Bichir Care 101: Tank Mates, Diet, Size, Types, Etc.
Mar 5, 2025 · Bichirs are an amazing freshwater fish that add a prehistoric look to your tank. Find out how to care for them and help them thrive!
Bichir - Wikipedia
They are sometimes called dragon bichir or dragon fin in pet shops for a more appealing name due to their dragon-like appearance. Though predatory, they are otherwise peaceful, preferring to lie on the bottom (they tend to swim when there are lots of large plants present).
Bichirs: Unlock the Secrets of Their Care and Habitat
Jun 9, 2021 · Bichirs, also known as dinosaur bichirs (family Polypteridae), are a unique group of freshwater ray-finned fishes. They are the sole members of the order Polypteriformes and the subclass Cladistia, comprising two genera: Polypterus and Erpetoichthys.
Dragon Fin - Tropical Fish Keeping
Dec 20, 2014 · Bichirs (Polypteridae) are sometimes referred to by tropical fish keeping enthusiasts as the Dragon Bichir, Dragon Fin, Dinosaur Fish, or Dragon Fish. The name has probably derived from their “dragon like” appearance.
Dinosaur Bichir Care Guide & Species Profile - Fishkeeping World
Jun 13, 2022 · The dinosaur bichir, also known as the Senegal bichir, gray bichir, or dragon fish, is a freshwater fish of the Polypteridae family. Dinosaur bichirs have long, cylindrical bodies around one foot in length, and are gray or beige with subtle, splotchy patternings.
Bichir Complete Care Guide: Varieties, Tank Mates and More…
Apr 21, 2019 · Bichirs are living fossils belonging to the Polypteridae family. They are a sister family of ray-finned fishes that have developed similar characteristics such as a pair of functional lungs and the Ampullae of Lorenzini (organs that can sense electricity, also known as electroreceptors).
Dinosaur Bichir (Polypterus Senegalus): Ultimate Care Guide - Fish ...
Nov 24, 2023 · This cute fish goes by a few different names, such as “dinosaur eel,” “dragon fin,” “swamp dragon,” “reed fish,” or “dragon fish,” depending on which pet shop you find them in.
Dinosaur Bichir Care Sheet (Tank Setup, Diet, Tank Mates)
Aug 1, 2024 · Bichirs are characterized by a long, thin, eel-like body, pronounced teeth, protruding nostrils, and wide, iridescent eyes. The Dinosaur Bichir also had a serrated dorsal fin and large scales, resembling a dragon. Though they resemble eels, Dinosaur Bichirs are unrelated to the snake-like marine dwellers.
Fish That Looks Like A Dragon – Here’s 21 - Aquarium Store Depot
Mar 27, 2024 · Read along to learn about some great fresh and saltwater dragon fish that you can keep in an aquarium, and some that are better left out in their natural habitat. Let’s get into it! Many fish species have sharp teeth, spiny fins, and …
Dinosaur Bichir Fish [ESSENTIAL GUIDE 2025] - Aquascape Guru
Aug 9, 2018 · Its common names are “dinosaur eel,” “dragon fin,” or “dragon fish” in the aqua pet shop. If you plan to find Bichirs in the wild, you can find them in swamps, river margins, lakes, and floodplains. Its distribution is widespread from the Nile basin to West Africa. You can find the fish in the following countries and locations: Congo River Basin.