Home - DUNA International College
The Top Prep-College in Budapest! Duna is an international college in Budapest, Hungary in the heart of Europe. The College has been established and operates in association with high-level professors from Hungarian state universities.
Duna International College
Duna is an international college in Budapest-Hungary in the heart of Europe, established in 2010. The College was established and operates in association with prominent university professors from Hungarian state universities.
Study Programs - DUNA International College
We are pleased to announce that Duna International College became the Pre-Medical Program Center in Budapest of an esteemed, modern and appealing Italian Medical School, called Humanitas University. This is a private educational institution located in Milan, Italy.
International Business School - Budapest - DUNA COLLEGE
Students who complete their course at Duna International College (DIC) successfully will proceed to International Business School - Budapest in a variety of study programs. IBS is one of the best business schools in Hungary that has been operating in Budapest since 1991.
Contacts - DUNA International College
Duna International College 1011-Budapest, Szilágyi Dezső tér 2. Accessible by Metro No.2 (red line) at Batthyány tér station Or by bus 86 towards Kosztolányi Dezső tér at Szilágyi Dezső tér stop. College office hours: Monday – Thursday : 10:00AM - 16:00PM Friday: 10:00AM – 14:00PM
Admissions step by step - DUNA International College
We are pleased and honoured to announce that our operation outcomes show great success for Duna International College - Budapest in the academic year 2024-2025. Thanks to our training team and students!
Tuition Fees - DUNA International College
At Duna College we offer the lowest tuition fees along with the highest quality of education. Compulsory fees - For the academic year 2025-2026: (All fees are in Euros) For Non-EU citizens
Founder's message - DUNA COLLEGE
I am pleased to welcome you to visit our website and it is my honor to establish Duna International College in Budapest, the city of beauty, friendship, and education. As a person who came to study in Hungary and who gained life experience in this country, I realized how great it is here from an international student's perspective.
Über uns - DUNA International College
Duna International College . Unsere Vorteile . Die Begründer’s Nachricht . Zeugnisse . Erfolg Raten . Study in the HEART OF EUROPE. 1011 • Budapest • Szilágyi Dezső tér2. +361-7807383 +361-7810168. [email protected] ... Preparatory Programs in Budapest. ...
Hungary - DUNA International College
1011 • Budapest • Szilágyi Dezső tér2. +361-7807383. +361-7810168