Etický kodex firmy DURA je navržen tak aby nás vedl k dosažení nejvyšších etických standardů na pracovišti. Je naší zodpovědností znát tento kodex a řídit se jim při naší každodenní práci. Naše společná schopnost vytvářet kulturu vysokého výkonu a standardů v chování je klíčová pro vnímání firmy DURA našimi
General Manager of DURA France and the French operations, in charge of business development and all activities with Renault Nissan and PSA Peugeot Citroen. François has more than 24 years of experience in the Chemical and Automotive
DURA Automotive Systems CZ, s.r.o. Prumyslovy park 300, 742 21 Koprivnice, Czech Republic ISO 14001:2015 Design and Manufacturing of Control Cables, Push-Pull Cable, Gearshift Systems, Mechanical Assemblies and Components. DURA Automotive Portugesa, Lda UEstrada Nacional No. 3 Km1, 2580-465 Carregado, Portugal ISO 14001:2015
DURA Automotive Portuguesa, Lda. Vila Cortez do Mondego 6301-859 Vila Cortez do Mondego (Guarda) Portugal Tel.: +351 (0) 271 920 200 Fax: +351 (0) 271 920 239 Web: www.duraauto.com. PORTUGAL Innovation driven by inspiration: Automotive Systems BMW Grou . Title: Microsoft PowerPoint - 10_Europe Plant Fact Sheets_Website
DURA Automotive Systems - RotenburgGmbH Roennebrocksweg5 D-27356 Rotenburg/Wuemme Germany Tel.: +49 (0) 4261-9146-0 Fax: +49 (0) 4261-9146-74 Web: www.duraauto.com
DURA Automotive Automoción, S.L. P.I. Rey Juan Carlos I 46440 Almussafes (Valencia) Phone: +34 96 176 7390 Fax: +34 96 178 20 64 www.duraauto.com REV 10/08 p r o d u c t s c u s t o m e r s Door and Structural Components SPAIN. Tri . Created Date:
ALMAC and DURA Automotive Systems Announce Joint Venture • New company to provide precision automotive components based on advanced aluminum alloys and proprietary extrusion technologies • Flagship manufacturing site to be located in Skopje, Republic of N. Macedonia
DURA Automotive Body & Glass Systems GmbH Königstraße 57 58840 Plettenberg Germany Tel.: +49 (0) 2391 62-0 Fax: +49 (0) 2391 62-100 Web: www.duraauto.com. RIM A N Innovation driven by inspiration: Automotive Systems General Motors BMW Grou . …
Kevin Grady is Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer for DURA Automotive Systems. Kevin leads all of DURA’s financial activities, including treasury and tax He also oversees global shared services and information technology.
DURA Automo,ve Systems, Inc. 1855 Robertson Road Moberly, MO 65270 USA Tel: +1 (660) 263-3370 Fax: (660) 269-2310 Web: www.duraauto.com Created Date: