Dusty Hill - what strings did he use? - TalkBass.com
Nov 4, 2012 · Bassist Mario Winnikes in Europe was talking to Dusty about strings in the ‘80s. He asked him what he used and Dusty kindly gave him a few sets. Reactions: Kyle_S , Jimmy Howe , BrentSimons and 10 others
Dusty hill's sound - TalkBass.com
Apr 17, 2005 · You'll notice that in general though, Dusty Hill's tone has some grit but also a whole lot of bottom in it, it kinda sounds like he's playing through a bunch of 15's with some guitar grit on top, you notice it most in songs where there's a break that has just drums and guitar and it sounds good but then when he comes in, it adds a whole 'nother ...
Dusty Hill's Tone - TalkBass.com
Dec 27, 2017 · Dusty Hill in his own words from a 2012 interview: " My sound is big, heavy and a bit distorted because it has to overlap the guitar. Someone once asked me to describe my tone, and I said it was like a rhino farting in a trash can.
Dusty hill's sound | Page 4 - TalkBass.com
Mar 25, 2013 · Dusty's bass sounded like sh*t, and from the the soundcheck tone all that came through was a distorted twang with some almost subsonic bottom, but I suppose they do it to fill the spectrum of a missing rhythm guitar.
Dusty Hill - TalkBass.com
Feb 24, 2008 · Do not be fooled by his fun and laid back demeanor Dusty Hill is a dangerous bass player, anyone that survived those Texas Rock & Roll Wars of the Sixties and Seventies and came out on Top is the winner. With ZZ Top what Dusty does it is all in the attitude and groove of the music, he could do more but the music does not need it.
NBD Dusty Hill Review - TalkBass.com
Nov 27, 2017 · My Dusty weighs in at 7.11 lbs and is well balanced. The body also has the butterscotch relic finish and sports some light finish checking. It also came with a nice light weight Fender CS leather strap.
Dusty Hill bass live sound - TalkBass.com
Nov 29, 2014 · I trying to get the Dusty Hill sound as close as possible. I have tried a few boxes already. 1. Ampeg SCR-DI. 2 Electro Harmonix Battalion Bass Preamp 3. Big Muff When I use for these for wood shedding I can get that over driven, distorted sound. But when I …
Dusty Hill's house listed for $4.5 Million! - TalkBass.com
Aug 7, 2014 · I’ve lived in College Station, Texas for 38 years and didn’t know Dusty Hill lived here! Just 3.9 miles away.
Dusty Hill's bass, just noticed. - TalkBass.com
Mar 28, 2016 · Dusty Hill Limited Edition Fender Custom Shop Bass... Some guys feel there is an advantage to the higher perceived tension put on the E string with reverse head stocks... Last edited: Mar 6, 2019
Dusty hill's sound | Page 2 - TalkBass.com
Apr 17, 2005 · When you hear them live you'll swear that there's a second guitar playing as well, and that it's tracking exactly with Dusty. Guess what: part of his rack setup is a trigger, and it isn't one to a Colt .45.