M3 Stuart - Wikipedia
The M3 Stuart / light tank M3, was a US light tank of World War II, first entered service in the British Army in early 1941 and saw action in the North African campaign in July 1941. [4]
LIGHT TANK M3 - M5 - strijdbewijs.nl
In Normandy are some remarkable types to be found, such as the M3A3 in Ouistreham at the Musée Le Grand Bunker and a recovered M5A1 in the museum with wrecks from the bottom of the sea of Normandy, which can be visited near Port-en-Bessin (see picture higher on this page).
Tank Encyclopedia - The Online Tank Museum
Tank Encyclopedia is the place to learn about the history of armored vehicles, from their early inspirations and pioneers to the latest main battle tanks. Our painstakingly researched articles …
M3 Stuart light tanks (1940) - tank-afv.com
The highly upgraded M3A3 was the last version of this light tank before being completely replaced by the M5. The two tanks shared similar sloped hull armor and turret, but the M5 was more powerful, quieter and more comfortable.
An Assessment of the M3 Stuart Tank – The Crusader Project
Sep 29, 2014 · German tanks shell effectively the M-3 tank from positions beyond effective range of the 37 mm gun, place it at a costly disadvantage. The 37 mm gun, in a gunnery test with tanks stationary, was slightly superior to British 2-pounders in accuracy, penetration, and rate of fire.
Walk Around - M3 Stuart - WW2's Workhorse Light Tank
Recently I had a chance to get up close with an M3 Stuart light tank, so here's a short video about its features and role in World War Two! Thanks to @merlin...
Light Tank M3 Stuart - AFV Database
Aug 8, 2024 · The M3 Stuart, known to the British as Stuart I or Honey (it was a "Honey" of a tank), was an evolution of the light tank M2A4 that incorporated a trailing idler suspension to decrease ground pressure and improve weight distribution, a lengthened hull superstructure rear, and thicker armor.
LIGHT TANK M3 - M5 - strijdbewijs
These light tanks saw never action, but were important in training crews and further development. Main engine for the M2A2E3 and the M2A3E3 became the Guiberson diesel engine which gave the vehicle a greater radius. The last of the M2 series, the M2A4 got a 37mm canon in the turret.
M3 Light Tank – The World War II Multimedia Database
Feb 5, 2024 · With five .30 caliber (7.62mm) Browning machine guns and a 37mm (1.46 inch) main gun, the M3 looked like a potent armored fighting vehicle on paper and the First Armored …
Aberdeen US Army Ordinance Museum - British Tanks - M3A3 Stuart Light Tank
Crew: 4 Weight: 13 Tons Max Speed: 36mph Range: 70 miles Armor: 2" Frontal Powerplant: Continental W-970-9A 7 cyl Radial Air Cooled gas engine 250hp Fuel Capacity: 104 gallons Armament: 37mm gun One 7.62mm coax Machine Gun One 7.62mm Bow Machine Gun One 7.62mm Cupola Mounted Machine Gun Entered Service: 1941 Unit Cost: $ …