Mouse models for muscular dystrophies: an overview - PMC
Owing to advancements in genetic engineering, a wide variety of mouse models are available for the majority of MDs. Here, we summarize the characteristics of the most commonly used mouse models for a subset of highly studied MDs, collated into a table.
Muscular Dystrophy Mouse Model Resource - The Jackson …
The Jackson Laboratory has a large collection of mouse models of muscular dystrophy. They are categorized by specific disease type to help you easily find the best strain for your research.
Three mouse models of muscular dystrophy: the natural history of ...
Here we characterized disease progression of three mutant mouse strains of muscular dystrophy: mdx mice, which lack dystrophin; mdx:utrn-/- mice, which also lack utrophin; and dy/dy mice, which are deficient in laminin alpha2.
A Family of Laminin α2 Chain-Deficient Mouse Mutants: …
One of the mouse models for laminin α2 chain-deficiency, the spontaneous dy/dy mutant, was described in 1955. It was the first reported mouse strain representing the pathological criteria that were characteristic for muscular dystrophy.
Antioxidants Reduce Muscular Dystrophy in the dy2J/dy2J Mouse …
We further show that separate treatment with two antioxidant drugs (both approved for human use) prevents muscular dystrophy progression in the dy 2J /dy 2J mouse model of LAMA2-CMD.
dyW Physiological Data - The Jackson Laboratory
In the dy W strain (B6.129S1 (Cg)- Lama2 tm1Eeng /J, 013786), knock-out of the laminin alpha 2 gene models merosin-deficient congenital muscular dystrophy. Homozygous dy W mice are passive, small, and emaciated, and demonstrate partial hindleg lameness and clasping.
013786 - dy[W] Strain Details - The Jackson Laboratory
These dy W mice may be useful for studying merosin-deficient congenital muscular dystrophy and other muscular dystrophies. Our preclinical efficacy testing services offer scientific expertise and an array of target-based and phenotype-based outcome measures, both in vivo and at endpoint, for flexible study designs and assay development in mouse ...
Three mouse models of muscular dystrophy: the natural history …
Nov 1, 2001 · Here we characterized disease progression of three mutant mouse strains of muscular dystrophy: mdx mice, which lack dystrophin; mdx:utrn−/− mice, which also lack utrophin; and dy/dy mice, which are deficient in laminin α2.
Duchenne's muscular dystrophy: animal models used to …
Duchenne's muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a lethal childhood disease caused by mutations of the dystrophin gene, the protein product of which, dystrophin, has a vital role in maintaining muscle structure and function. Homologues of DMD have been identified in several animals including dogs, cats, mice, fish and invertebrates.
Hearing loss in the laminin-deficient dy mouse model of …
Jul 1, 2002 · We investigated the dy mouse model, which has congenital muscular dystrophy due to a defect in laminin α2, for evidence of cochlear dysfunction. Auditory brainstem response (ABR) audiometry to pure tones was used to evaluate 3-month-old homozygous dy/dy and age-matched C57 control mice.