SOMA Slim All Stone - dyh.com
Soma Af Laurie Wiid van HeerdenSoma er det græske ord for "krop", og Laurie Wiid van Heerdens design af Soma er inspireret af træets krop. Den stammeagtige form bærer bladene mod himlen og løfter dem opad og over andre planter. Soma-plantekasserne, hvoraf nogle er af betydelig størrelse, gør det samme og løfter smukke
SOMA M Wood Top - dyh.com
Soma By Laurie Wiid van Heerden Soma is the Greek word for “body” and Laurie Wiid van Heerden’s design of the Soma is inspired by the body of a tree. The trunk like shape carries leaves towards the sky raising them upwards and above other plants. The Soma planters, some which are substantial in size, do the same and l
XXL BEANBAG - The Original, 160x120cm | Designer Beanbag
ROOMOX™ XXL BEANBAG. Sink into a world of pure comfort with the ROOMOX™ beanbag Original and let the stress of everyday life melt away. The beanbag adapts perfectly to the shape of your body, providing a unique relaxing experience.
Outdoor Accessories - Design Your Home
Welcome to DYH Design Your Home - furniture for home and garden conveniently order from home innovations and trends Free shipping dyh.com !
Outdoor - Design Your Home
Welcome to DYH Design Your Home - furniture for home and garden conveniently order from home innovations and trends Free shipping dyh.com !
Benches - Design Your Home
Welcome to DYH Design Your Home - furniture for home and garden conveniently order from home innovations and trends Free shipping dyh.com !
Wine & Bar - Design Your Home
Welcome to DYH Design Your Home - furniture for home and garden conveniently order from home innovations and trends Free shipping dyh.com !
Furniture - Design Your Home
Welcome to DYH Design Your Home - furniture for home and garden conveniently order from home innovations and trends Free shipping dyh.com !
ROOMOX - We make you smile - Design Your Home
Original ROOMOX Beanbags Price advantage up to 67% TOP quality Available in many trendy colours ROOMOX - BEANBAGS
Bowls & Dishes - Design Your Home
Welcome to DYH Design Your Home - furniture for home and garden conveniently order from home innovations and trends Free shipping dyh.com !