www.teleon-surgical.com | ACUNEX Vario
The ACUNEX Vario IOL serves the standard intraocular lens patient better than existing monofocal lenses due to its superior EDOF-Design! 4 reasons for choosing these lenses: 1. Optimal cataract treatment plus depth of focus in the intermediate distance (EDOF concept):
ACUNEX VARIO - Simovision BV
The ACUNEX ® intraocular lens is made from a new hybrid material with a high refractive index of 1.54 for flexible handling and a superb high surface quality. With a water ratio of around 4%, this hydrophobic material stands out from many of the dry-stored hydrophobic IOLs. EDOF-IOL: Extended depth of focus for an optimised vision
The right choice of intraocular lens for all of YOUR routine cataract patientS The ACUNEX® Vario serves the standard intraocular lens patient better than existing monofocal lenses due to its superior EDOF-Design!
Comparison of Two Non- Diffractive Extended Depth of Focus …
The aim of this study is to compare the visual performance of two refractive EDOF lenses, namely the Acunex Vario with the Puresee IOL, in an intraindividual comparative study design.
www.teleon-surgical.com | Acunex
The ACUNEX intraocular lens is made from a new hybrid material with a high refractive index of 1.54 for flexible handling and a superbly high surface quality. They feature excellent optical properties and are really easy to handle.
Optical Design of the Acunex Vario EDOF IOL - Eyetube
Jul 8, 2019 · Florian Kretz, MD, FEBO; Detlev R.H. Breyer, MD; and Sunil Shah, MBBS, FEBOphth, FRCS (Ed), describe the benefits of the optical design of the Acunex Vario extended depth of focus (EDOF) IOL (Teleon Surgical).
Clinical outcomes and optical performance of a new segmental …
Aug 1, 2024 · The Acunex Vario AN6V demonstrated minimal dysphotopsias, making it a promising option for those seeking spectacle independence. Conclusion: This segmental refractive EDoF IOL provides a high degree of spectacle independence for far and intermediate distances with functional near VA.
ACUNEX® VARIO AN6V aspheric Foldable one-piece EDOF-IOL for capsular bag fixation 6.0 mm 12.5 mm EDOF
Patient Feedback on the Hydrophobic Acunex IOL - Eyetube
Jul 8, 2019 · Sunil Shah, MBBS, FRCOphth, FRCS (Ed), and Detlev R.H. Breyer, MD, discuss the positive feedback they've received from patients using the hydrophobic Acunex IOL.
blue light filter glistening-free standard-toric Gamma irradiation Supplied in 0.9 % saline solution Check compatibility of IOL with injector matrix provided at www.acunex-eifu.com Manufacturer: