Ultimate light up air guitar using GlowCity EL Wire - YouTube
Apr 3, 2016 · We used our Premium EL Wire kits that come ready to go with connections mades so you can just focus ...more. http://www.glowcity.com/EL-Wire-Kits-... This is an awesome DIY...
Lighted Guitar using EL Wire - Glowforge Shop
This laser cut lighted guitar is the perfect decoration for the music lover. EL Wire gives the illusion of neon lights. Design includes optional hangers that allow for hanging at different angles. Or lean it up on a dresser as a night light. Personalize by engraving the front clear acrylic.
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Eliminate noise from EL wire - TalkBass.com
Aug 12, 2005 · The easiest would be to get rid of that el-wire. Those things are very noisy. You could acieve the same effect by making a thin sheet of actrylic glass the same shape as the PG and stick that underneath the PG. You then mount some leds into the sheet of …
EZ-EL Wire Guitar Strap : 5 Steps (with Pictures) - Instructables
EZ-EL Wire Guitar Strap: This project is a guitar strap decked out with EZ-EL Chasing Wire sewn into music-themed designs. It's a fun project, and you end up with something that looks really cool, especially for live performances at low-lit venues.
Easy and Cheap Guitar Light Mod : 6 Steps - Instructables
So first thing we need to do is take off our pick guard and our spring plate on the back. After we do that we can run the el wire from the back out the front of the guitar.
el wire - YouTube
A project of mine to strip out an old electric guitar and drive el wire to sound with all boards and mic inside the guitar using a 12v adaptor just leaving t...
EL wire causing massive noise - forum topic | Ultimate Guitar
Hey guys, so I recently bought some EL wire thinking it would be a cool thing to line my guitar with, and to make it stand out when I play at places,...
electroluminescent wire guitar mod? - Ultimate Guitar
Aug 6, 2009 · There are kits of the wire you are talking about that are made to run off of DC current like what comes from a regular dry-cell battery. Here's a link to a website that offers different voltage...
Guitar + arduino + EL wire = ??? - Project Guidance - Arduino Forum
Aug 17, 2011 · I have purchased an EL sequencer (which contains an ATmega328, so it's bascially an arduino with triacs built-in) from Sparkfun, and plenty of EL wire to mount on the guitar.
El wire guitar - YouTube
El wire guitar and more