Data Downloads - Employment and Training Administration
The State agency's accomplishments in principal detection areas of benefit payment control are shown in the ETA-227 report. The Employment and Training Administration (ETA) and State agencies need such information to ensure that benefit payments are properly made.
The ETA 227 report provides information on overpayments of intrastate and interstate claims under the State unemployment compensation (UI), and under Federal UI programs; i.e., programs providing unemployment compensation for
ETA 227 reports show state agency accomplishments in principal detection areas of benefit payment control. The Employment and Training Administration (ETA) and state agencies need such information to monitor the integrity of the benefit payment processes in the UI system.
Eta 227 Overpayment Detection And Recovery Activities
OMB 1205-0187 reference document for Eta 227 Overpayment Detection And Recovery Activities
Unemployment Insurance Overpayment Detection and Recovery Activities ...
Apr 18, 2024 · Historical series of Overpayment Detection and Recovery Activities Reports (ETA-227) which provide information on benefit overpayments and overpayment recoveries of intrastate and interstate claims under the regular state unemployment insurance (UI) program, and under Federal UI programs including the Unemployment Compensation for Federal ...
The ETA 227 report provides information on overpayments of intrastate and interstate claims under the regular state unemployment insurance (UI) program, and under Federal UI programs including the Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE) and Unemployment Compensation for Ex-
ETA 227 reports show state agency accomplishments in principal detection areas of benefit payment control. The Employment and Training Administration (ETA) and state agencies need such information to monitor the integrity of the benefit payment processes in the UI system.
Form ETA 227 is used to determine whether state UC agencies meet the requirements of the Secretary's interpretation of the Federal laws above, and to measure state UC agencies’ performance for Benefit Payment Control (BPC).
Unemployment Insurance Program Letter No. 15-20, Change 2
Jun 15, 2020 · The purpose of this Unemployment Insurance Program Letter (UIPL) is to provide states with the new ETA 227-Overpayment Detection and Recovery Activities FPUC report (referred to as the "ETA 227 FPUC report" in this UIPL) and to provide states with revised reporting instructions for the FPUC program.
UI High Dollar Report - Employment and Training Administration
The Department requires state agencies to report the number of high-dollar overpayments identified by state BPC operations on the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) 227 - Overpayment Detection and Recovery Activities report.