Crash when selecting a country and playing :: Europa Universalis …
Apr 18, 2023 · I've crashed three times in about five minutes and all I've done is either 1) browse the England mission tree or 2) advance a month and initiate war with France and then browse the mission tree. It's really bad. I am confirmed as being in 1.35.0 Ottomans. This is my error.log.
Is EU4 completely broke? : r/eu4 - Reddit
Jul 19, 2021 · [localize.cpp:671]: Localization hash collision found, check text.log [modifier.cpp:814]: Unknown modifier. Type: "local_governing_capacity", File: "common/state_edicts/encourage_development.txt", Line: "11"
Game crash on 'Graphics Loading' - Paradox Interactive Forums
Jan 15, 2024 · Reinstalling the mods as well as reinstalling EU4 did not fix the problem. I have tried both manual installs of the mods as well as via the paradox launcher. I am using the GOG version of the game on 1.36.2 on Windows 11. [localize.cpp:671]: Localization hash collision found, more info in text.log! Language: l_english.
crash when autosaving or saving beyond a certain date : r/eu4 - Reddit
Jul 5, 2023 · [localize.cpp:671]: Localization hash collision found, more info in text.log! Language: l_english [virtualfilesystem.cpp:255]: Failed to find pre specified enumerate for 'localisation/replace'(.yml, (null), -1)
Debugging a localization error? : r/EU4mods - Reddit
Nov 16, 2021 · My error in error.log is " [localize.cpp:671]: Localization hash collision found, check text.log", but text.log is empty, so not sure what the next debugging steps are. Localisations do not cause crashes, at most they cause eu4 to display the in-code names. The crash issue is definitely something in the modifiers or missions.
Europa Universalis 4 Wiki
Oct 18, 2024 · Europa Universalis IV is a grand strategy wargame developed by Paradox Development Studio and published by Paradox Interactive. This community wiki's goal is to be a repository of Europa Universalis IV related knowledge, useful for both new and experienced players and for modders.
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Europa Universalis IV: Control any nation in the world across four centuries of history, writing a new history of humankind from the Age of Discovery to the Age of Revolutions. Accumulate wealth, land and prestige in a fierce competition for global dominance.
Технические вопросы по игре Европа 4 - Страница 309
Aug 9, 2013 · В корневой папке игры (обычно это С:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Europa Universalis IV\, там еще находится файл запуска игры eu4.exe) создаете текстовый файл userdir
Europa Universalis IV - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki
Jul 3, 2024 · Europa Universalis IV (abbreviated EU4 or EUIV) is a grand strategy computer game created by Paradox Development Studio and published by Paradox Interactive. It was released for the PC on Windows, OS X, and Linux on 13 August 2013.
Europa Universalis IV Player Resources - Paradox Interactive Forums
May 11, 2023 · Greetings to all EU4 players, old and new alike! This post is designed with two objectives in mind: to serve as an orientation for new players, and for existing players, as an easy reference to any useful resources.