Grebes Of North America
Eared Grebe (Podiceps nigricollis): Slightly smaller than the Horned Grebe at 11-13 inches (28-33 cm), Eared Grebes are known for their distinctive black head, breast, and neck. They inhabit coastal regions and larger lakes in winter, while their breeding season leads them to …
Eared Grebe Identification - All About Birds
The most abundant grebe in the world, the Eared Grebe is a small waterbird with a very thin bill and a bright red eye. In the summer months, golden wisps fan out from their cheeks as they dance and run across the water courting.
Grebes: Pictures and Identification Tips - Green Nature
Eastern birders who visit the West often have the Clark’s and Western Grebes on their must see life’s list. About the size, or slightly smaller than the Pied-billed Grebe, the Eared Grebe is best known as most social, and abundant family member.
Black-necked grebe - Wikipedia
The black-necked grebe or eared grebe (Podiceps nigricollis) is a member of the grebe family of water birds. It was described in 1831 by Christian Ludwig Brehm. Its breeding plumage features distinctive ochre-coloured feathers which extend behind its eye and over its ear coverts.
Eared Grebe | Audubon Field Guide
A common grebe of freshwater lakes in the west. Gregarious at all seasons; nests in dense colonies, sometimes congregates in huge numbers on lakes during migration and winter. Probably as an adaptation to life in the arid west, it is flexible in distribution, quickly taking advantage of temporary or man-made new bodies of water.
Identification Keys and Tips - Western vs. Clark's Grebe
South Dakota Status: Much more common in state of South Dakota than Clark's Grebe, especially in the eastern part of the state. South Dakota Status: Rare in South Dakota, most frequently found in western part of the state. Click on the photos above for pop-up, higher-resolution views.
Eared Grebe - American Bird Conservancy
The dainty Eared Grebe is the most abundant and widespread grebe species in the world. Although officially classified as the Black-necked Grebe by the International Ornithological Committee, it's still known as the Eared Grebe in North America.
8 TYpes of Grebes (Podicps, Tachybaptus, Podilymbus, …
The Least Grebe is the smallest in the family and lives in the most southerly regions of the United States and into Mexico. The Clark's Grebe, Western Grebe, Eared Grebe and the Red-necked Grebe are found in the western regions.
Eared Grebe - eBird
Small, compact grebe with thin pointed bill. Breeding adults mostly black with chestnut flanks; look for wispy golden plumes on cheek and peaked head shape. In winter, grayish overall with a dark cap blending into the dark cheek, and a smudgy dark neck. Red eye visible at close range.
Eared Grebe - International Bird Rescue
A small, red-eyed grebe, these birds are gray and white throughout the winter months but become sleek black on top, chestnut underneath with golden feathers fanning out from behind their eyes during the breeding season.
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