Elver pass - Wikipedia
An elver pass or eel pass is a waterway modification constructed to mitigate the effects of obstructions, especially manmade weirs, on waterways, watercourses, ditches, drains, channels and flumes, on the movement of eels, fish and elvers (juvenile eels).
Passage Technologies for American Eels | U.S. Geological Survey - USGS.gov
Jul 24, 2019 · This research seeks to design, evaluate, and improve technologies for passing eels upstream at dams and other structures, and to provide safe and effective passage of downstream migrant eels at hydropower dams and other barriers.
Eel Passes - Aquatic Control Engineering
Jan 26, 2024 · Eel Passes provide a safe route for elvers to migrate upstream, promoting the survival and continued journey of these creatures. With improvements in seal designs on sluices, removal of vegetation, and urbanisation hampering natural migration routes, Eel Passes help counter these challenges.
What is the best solution for eel passage? How do I go about making it happen? Where do I get the materials? Who will build it for me? How much will it all cost?
Safe passage for eels - GOV.UK
Jun 22, 2017 · When you may need to fit an eel pass or screen to a water structure and what to submit if applying for a new licence or environmental permit.
A detailed review of eel passes in the UK and other countries was carried out by Solomon and Beach (2004) to provide criteria for eel pass design, and since then over 500 eel passes...
Successful Fish Passage Efforts Across the Nation
Eels were not able to pass upstream of the dam for decades. During the dam’s re-licensing process, NOAA worked with local partners to install two eel passage structures, called “eelways.” These are long, sloping ramps with a peg board of pipes …
transport, passage of eels through passes designed for other species, attraction flows, constraints at gauging structures, tidal barriers, maintenance and health and safety considerations, and protection of downstream migrants.
FISH & ELVER PASSES - Martin Childs Ltd
To allow eels and elvers to travel up stream MCL have produced the Elver pass which can be fitted to concrete walls over a weir, or where there is a tilting weir, a self-regulating elver pass can be installed.
Fish and eel passes and barriers - APEM
Fish and eel pass options and structure passability. Weirs, dams, sluices, gauging stations and other barriers to fish and eel movement are commonplace on our rivers and waterways.