10 elements about the Eggun, spirits and ancestors - Ashé pa mi …
All about the Eggun of the Yoruba religion: 1. What are Eggun? The word Eggun Yoruba means bone or skeleton. But the Eggun They are the spirits of the ancestors or deceased ancestors, …
Egungun - Wikipedia
Egungun, Yoruba language: Egúngún, also known as Ará Ọ̀run (The collective dead) in the broadest sense is any Yoruba masquerade or masked, costumed figure. [1] . More specifically, …
Eggun or Egungun: The spirit of the ancestors - OshaeIfa.com
The term Eggun refers to the spirits belonging to deceased ancestors or ancestors. Most of the Eggun are spirits that in life had some kind of religious consecration or foundation. In the …
10 elementos sobre los Eggun, espíritus y ancestros - Ashé pa mi …
Todo sobre los Eggun de la religión yoruba: 1. ¿Qué son los Eggun? La palabra Eggun significa en yoruba hueso o esqueleto. Pero los Eggun son los espíritus de los ancestros o …
Egun - AboutSanteria
Roughly translated, egun (eggun) are the spirits of our ancestors, those related to us by blood and religious ties. My departed grandparents and parents are my egun, but so are the departed …
Who are the Eggun? An ancestral Yoruba cult that comes from …
The cult of the Eggun (dead) is ancestral in the Yoruba religion and many other religions. The word "Eggun» refers to the spirits of ancestors, deceased and ancestors. Eggun: The …
OrishaNet Articles
Eggun: The Dead. Most simply put the eggun are the spirits of the dead. Often eggun are referred to as the ancestors, but this is not entirely true, though your ancestor's are certainly included …
Eggun: rezos, ofrendas, cajón, oro y más - Hablemos de Mitologías
Oct 4, 2018 · Los Egguns son conocidos como los únicos seres vivos que se encuentran entre los dos planos, ya que son capaces de interceder entre las personas vivas para ayudarla en …
Eggun - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Eggun es el culto a los difuntos en la religión yoruba, Osha - Ifa, de la Arará y Lucumí. Pertenece al panteón yoruba.
Los eggun son los espíritus de nuestros antepasados. En Santería ellos incluyen no solamente los espíritus de familiares sino también los santeros mayores muertos, es decir, los mayores …