Home - El Marwa
El-Marwa was founded in 1998. Fifteen years later, the company has grown to include two innovative factories in which it manufactures high-quality fruit purées, concentrates, and pulps …
Products Archive - El Marwa
El Marwa’s fully customizable fruit purees, pulps, and juice concentrates have numerous applications in the wider food and beverage industry. They are the key ingredient in ice …
Our Products - El Marwa
El Marwa’s fully customizable fruit purees, pulps, and juice concentrates have numerous applications in the wider food and beverage industry. They are the key ingredient in ice …
الرئيسية - El Marwa
رمان كالياقوت. تمكنت الشركة من توظيف أحدث ما وصلت إليه تكنولوجيا صناعة الأغذيه في استخلاص عصير الرمان فائق الجودة باستخدام أفضل حبات الرمان المتلألئة التي تشبه أحجار الياقوت.
Who We Are - El Marwa
El Marwa is a leading, world-class Egyptian manufacturer of juice concentrates, fruit purees, and pulps. Since our founding in 1998, El Marwa has established a reputation for excellence, …
Production Process - El Marwa
From fresh fruit to final product in 10 efficient steps, at El Marwa our growers and processors are committed to delivering the freshest, highest-quality, best-tasting fruit products on the market. …
Global Distribution - El Marwa
Egypt’s location at the crossroads of two continents positions El Marwa to become a leading international exporter to countries in Africa, Europe, and Asia.
Seasonal Fruits - El Marwa
The country’s temperate climate also facilitates two complementary growing seasons in summer and winter, giving El Marwa a competitive advantage over other producers in our market. The …
Quality Certificates - El Marwa
El Marwa earned our ISO 22000 certification by upgrading our production lines, ensuring adherence to international food safety and quality standards, and creating a healthy and safe …
Contact Us - El Marwa
El-Marwa was founded in 1998. Fifteen years later, the company has grown to include two innovative factories in which it manufactures high quality fruit.