Electric eel vs Great white shark | History Forum
Jan 10, 2014 · Electric Eel Kills The Alligator - Must See The Alligator Dies - YouTube The electric eel is fighting a crocodile - YouTube Saw these two videos where electric eel defending itself against alligator/crocodile. I know it's not possible for …
eel | History Forum
Electric Eel Kills The Alligator - Must See The Alligator Dies - YouTube The electric eel is fighting a crocodile - YouTube Saw these two videos where electric eel defending itself against alligator/crocodile. I know it's not possible for electric eel and shark to meet since one live in...
Mussolini Son of The Century (2025) | History Forum
History Forum. History Forum for World History - Historical Events, Historians, Archaeology, Ancient History, Modern History, Human History, History Books, Military History
John Wayne vs Jane Fonda US electorate? | History Forum
Nov 8, 2024 · Going back to your point about JFK/LBJ and Nixon for a moment, I double-checked the popular vote. There was a HUGE flip from '64 to '72 (below). So the John Wayne vs Jane Fonda antagonism seems to mirror this political flip in elections. Source: Wikipedia and the data looks similar to other sources online.
Gustavus Adolphus vs Duke of Marlborough - History Forum
Jul 22, 2012 · Gustavus Adolphus was a very forward thinking military engineer. He reengineered the way in which his army worked, with simple innovations that proved devastating to his adversaries.
When was the first war in them fought two Armys each other with …
Feb 14, 2025 · The AK is lighter and more durable then the StG-44 but then again the StG-44 was made in the last days of WWII vs the AK-47 started mass production in the mid 1950s during peacetime. No army adopted the StG-44 post WWII vs the AK-47 was licensed produced in the Warsaw Pact countries plus, China, North Korea and Egypt.
Crossbow vs lamellar - History Forum
Feb 28, 2020 · I watched video on longbow vs .....plate by Tod's Workshop. Thing is, crossbow was much more popular than longbow in continental Europe, and I know that both John Hunyadi and Matthias Corvinus utilized crossbowmen against Ottomans. So how did crossbow do against Ottoman lamellar armour, such as shown on reconstructions below?
Best Pop/Rock artists of all time | Page 13 | History Forum
Dec 21, 2024 · At 91, the criminally underrated godfathers (and godmothers) of alternative music, indie, punk, art-house and general low-fi noodling, the mighty Velvet Underground.
Ancient China Vs Ancient Greece | Page 2 | History Forum
Jan 28, 2022 · I interpret that question to mean, Macedonian forces versus China around 350 BC? Greeks had substantially superior technology and organization: The Chinese cities at the time were like Gaulish villages but larger, while the introduction of iron weapons was revolutionary for the Chinese, while iron weapons were used in Western Eurasia for over a thousand years.
Who do you think were the 10 greatest generals in history?
Jan 16, 2019 · The germanic vs celtic thing has been discussed to death on an earlier thread right here if you are teally interested As for hun vs scyntian horse archers theres 'the fall of the roman empire' by peter heather. The hun success vs early cataphracts etc where other horse archers had failed is discussed.