TIP: How to use Ivy and its utilities in your workflow : r/emacs
Jul 22, 2018 · For this week, I wanted to put to honor ivy, a generic completion mechanism for GNU Emacs who is a true Swiss Army knife when combined with counsel (a collection of Ivy-enhanced versions of common GNU Emacs commands) and swiper (Ivy …
Is Ivy worth having? : r/emacs - Reddit
Hello emacsians! I am an emacs noob customizing my config for the first time. Every emacs tutorial seems to call for installing either Ivy or Helm, however few are able to describe why they are necessary without referring to use cases and jargon that I either can't relate to or don't understand (my use cases for now involve task management, calendar management, and writing with only a small ...
An ivy function for recently opened files? - Emacs Stack Exchange
May 17, 2020 · I know that setting ivy-use-virtual-buffers leads to recently opened files being shown in the ivy-switch-buffer completion. However, I don't want this. What I want is a separate function for opening recent files. When I invoke recentf-open-file, I want the ivy completion for recent files, instead of the clunky recentf menu.
How can I setup eshell to use ivy for tab completion? - Emacs …
Oct 16, 2016 · The pcompete-std-complete tries to use the completions written for pcomplete with the standard completion UI, which ivy by default will override (with the very recent update, they appear in a nice overlay right in the eshell buffer near point!).
files - Ivy disable completion for a command in minibuffer - Emacs ...
May 17, 2017 · For example I am in folder ~/code/study/ . If I open find file and autocomplete with Ivy I will see. Find file: ~/code/study/ ./ ../ [...] and I want, in a single jump go to ~/other/code/study. Since I have ivy-mode to autocomplete I cannot move my cursor to the first / and just type other there. This is being a pain for some things.
Helm vs Ivy: What are the differences, what are the advantages?
My personal experience says that most people who prefer Ivy over Helm are old Emacs users, who are too tied to tab-completion/expansion minibuffer model, while relatively new users who prefer Helm don't have all these habits so they just don't care, and also Helm has more bells-n-whistles. // a proud Ivy user here
How to switch between Ivy completion styles ... - Emacs Stack …
Jul 3, 2017 · Within ivy-hydra, the m key is bound to the command ivy-toggle-fuzzy, which is hard-coded to toggle the variable ivy--regex-function between the regexp-building functions ivy--regex-fuzzy and ivy--regex-plus. The ivy-hydra panel is similarly limited by the function ivy--matcher-desc to describing ivy--regex-fuzzy as "fuzzy" and all other values ...
Is Company different from Helm and Ivy ? : r/emacs - Reddit
Aug 31, 2017 · Basically, Helm and Ivy are for quickly working with Emacs as an application, while Company is for quickly writing code. Maybe an analogy will do: Emacs is a bowl, while buffers are ice cream. Helm and Ivy are spoons; Company mode is a bottle of chocolate syrup. You could always scoop the syrup out of the bottle with a spoon, and that would ...
Minibuffer completion frameworks and interfaces - Emacs Stack …
Oct 19, 2021 · Emacs has a lot of different packages for minibuffer UI, search, and completion. Some of the packages I am aware of are Icicles, Ido, Ivy, Counsel, Swiper, Consult, Vertico, Selectrum, Orderless, Embark, Helm. Some of these packages provide UI, some completion, some key mappings.
Code auto completion with ivy - Emacs Stack Exchange
Feb 13, 2017 · In a big C++ project I use dabberv-expand (aka M-/). Rtags, ctags, csope etc do not work by different reasons. Unfortunately I do not know how to enforce dabbrev to use a fuzzy search. So I decided...