Differences between Emacs and Vim - Stack Overflow
Sep 16, 2009 · To extend Vim functionality you must recompile Vim, Emacs not. Emacs has Vim in self (viper-mode). Emacs usually need manually installation, Vim typically preinstalled on all Unix like OS (but if you have ssh access to host tramp-mode win Vim :). If you try Vim you hate Emacs, so start from Emacs first.
Best way to switch from Vim to Emacs? - Stack Overflow
Sep 21, 2009 · Much like :h is indispensable in Vim, the Emacs help system is a great boon in navigating Emacs' enormous set of builtin commands. There are many ways to search the documentation to find what you want; this page has a good summary. Don't use viper or vimpulse, at least not at first. Emacs will never be as good a Vim as Vim.
vim - How do I get emacs to start in Vi mode? - Stack Overflow
Oct 14, 2009 · If really want to use vi/vim in Emacs, I think you maybe like evil(a great vim emulation, the successor to Vimpulse and vim-mode). If you want to know more about evil, you can Google Emacs wiki evil. Basic description: (after you have installed this package) With basic settings, this package will get in vim-mode at start up (also, you can ...
vim - Is it worth investing time in learning to use Emacs ... - Stack ...
Sep 7, 2008 · Emacs documentation is a forest. I came from Emacs to Vim when I realized how organized Vim's documentation is, and how chordable many of the features are. I don't know what lies down the path of an Emacs expert, but I will warn you that learning to do anything useful in it takes a long time, and won't make you any better at nethack. Stick with ...
How can I compare two files in emacs, similar to vim's vimdiff?
Jan 10, 2019 · I think emacs ediff is just a wrapper on Linux diff command. It is just highlighting the lines diff tool marks as changed. I found vdiff give vimdiff like granularity.
emacs - what's the syntax for telling VI to read/write a source file ...
Nov 2, 2009 · There is similar functionality in emacs, where you can put local variables in the file. Note that, at least in Vim, modelines have had a history of vulnerabilities. This is primarily due to problematic options being specifically blacklisted instead of only allowing a certain subset of variables to be set in modelines.
What are the efficiencies afforded by Emacs or Vim vs Eclipse?
Aug 28, 2009 · I'd say the actual vim/emacs editors are far superior to the Eclipse text editor in terms of the shortcuts they offer. However, I completely agree with you about refactoring. Most people have to write scripts to do the sort of level of refactoring Eclipse is capable of.
Should I learn to use Emacs? - Stack Overflow
Nov 28, 2012 · The difference between emacs and vim is that emacs includes many many features and combines mail, news, filemanager, and of course a text editor. Vim does only text editing and that very well (without plugins). Its up to you if you like emacs or not. I personally like vim more, but give emacs a try and find the best suitable text editor for you.
Emacs equivalent of Vim's word motion and change in-line word
Aug 3, 2013 · What is the Emacs equivalent of the word-motion concept in Vim? For example, in Vim I can move forward by two words by issuing 2w and backwards by issuing 2b while I am in command mode. What are the equivalent commands in Emacs for moving between words (more than one at a time)? Actually I would like go to particular word and change it also.
Time to relearn touch typing? (Is this a Emacs / VIM thing?)
Jul 20, 2015 · From time to time I like to explore VIM (and other editors) to see what has changed and which features are the new and hot features. I came to the conclusion that, while my fingers /rest close/ to the home row, my hands move a lot and the default keyboard command layout in vim seems to prefere the fingers resting on the home row with little ...