Empididae - Wikipedia
Empididae is a family of flies with over 3,000 described species occurring worldwide in all the biogeographic realms but the majority are found in the Holarctic. They are mainly predatory flies like most of their relatives in the Empidoidea, and exhibit a wide range of forms but are generally small to medium-sized, non-metallic and rather bristly.
Fossil Diptera Catalog -- Empididae - MS Guides
Empididae, commonly called balloon flies or dance flies, are found worldwide, but are found most frequently in the northern temperate and montane regions. The family consists of over 3,000 species exhibiting a wide array of size and form. Both …
Family Empididae Key to genus adapted from Collin (1960) 1 No discal cell. Front legs elongated, adapted for catching prey, with the coxa almost as long as the femur and tibia. .....2 Discal cell present. Legs adapted as above or not.
An illustrated identification key to Nearctic genera of Empidoidea ...
Sep 27, 2023 · Currently, 953 Nearctic species of Empidoidea (exclusive of Dolichopodidae sensu stricto) have been described. A brief synopsis of each genus is included providing information on number of species, taxonomic literature, biology, defining …
Genus Empididae. Genus Empis. Genus Eugowra. Genus Gynatoma. Genus Hemerodromia. Genus Hesperempis. Genus Hilara. Genus Hilarempis. Genus Hilarigona. Genus Hormopeza. Genus Hybomyia. Genus Hydropeza. ... Genus Zanclotus. ADW Pocket Guides on the iOS App Store! The Animal Diversity Web team is excited to announce ADW Pocket Guides! Read more...
Empididae - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The family contains a single genus and only seven extant species, with all known species restricted to eastern, central, and southeast Asia and eastern North America. The larvae are compressed laterally and possess paired, eversible, crochet-tipped ventral prolegs on abdominal segments I–VII and IX.
Empididae -- a/o cat. - hbs.bishopmuseum.org
Mar 8, 2012 · Empididae are most numerous in northern temperate and montane regions but are distributed worldwide. There are over 3,000 described species worldwide and they exhibit a greater diversity of form than almost any other family of Diptera.
Characteristics and Natural History of "Empididae" - University …
Nov 18, 2005 · The family “Empididae” in the traditional sense, is a diverse group of flies consisting of over 4,000 described species worldwide and about 800 described species in America north of Mexico.
A new genus and species of Empididae (Diptera) in mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber is described as Neoalavesia hadroceria gen. et sp. nov. in the subfamily Atelestinae. The male is characterised by its small size, unique wing venation with reduced cell dm and the greatly expanded postpedicels that may have been used as sexual attractants.
Morphology, Biology, Phenology and Occurrence of the Genus …
The genus Empis consists of species that are characterized by both small body size (about 2 mm in length) and large body size (about 10 mm in length), which locates them among the largest dipterans occurring in Poland.