Empididae - Wikipedia
Larvae are generally found in moist soil, rotten wood, dung, or in aquatic habitats and also appear to be predaceous on various arthropods, particularly other Diptera larvae.
An illustrated identification key to Nearctic genera of Empidoidea ...
Sep 27, 2023 · The superfamily Empidoidea has traditionally included two families: Empididae (dance flies) and Dolichopodidae (long-legged flies). Empidoids are very widespread from tundra to deserts and alpine streams to marine coastlines. Both adults and larvae are predaceous on a wide variety of soft-bodied arthropods (Sinclair & Cumming 2006).
Family Empididae - Dance Flies - BugGuide.Net
Apr 26, 2024 · Larvae in a variety of situations--aquatic, semiaquatic, in dung, bird nests, among roots and fungi
Empididae - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Known larvae are mostly predaceous on other insects. Adults of both sexes consume insects and nectar; insects may be captured live, or scavenged from spider webs, the water surface, or from other habitats.
Dance fly (Empididae) - Manaaki Whenua
The empidid flies are common in many New Zealand streams, but they can be easily overlooked due to their small size. There are different forms of larvae, but the most common form has a maggot-like body with a fully retracted head, and with 7 …
Empididae - bugswithmike.com
Larva: Predatory, feeding on small invertebrates or detritus. Pupa: Enclosed in a cocoon in soil or leaf litter. Adult: Emerges with fully developed wings for mating and feeding.
Family Empididae – ENT 425 – General Entomology
Description: Empidids are small to medium sized flies with a round head, a distinct neck, a humpbacked thorax, and long tapered abdomen. The legs are slender and sometimes the front legs are raptorial, for grasping other insects. The proboscis is often long and pointed. Adults and larvae are predatory. Order: Diptera.
Some distinctions between the larvae and pupae of the Empididae …
Apr 2, 2009 · A helpful and distinctive character for identifying most Dolichopodidae from other brachyceran larvae (particularly Empididae, with which they are frequently found), is the swollen posterior...
Characteristics and Natural History of "Empididae" - University …
Nov 18, 2005 · Larvae are generally found in moist soil, rotten wood, dung, or in aquatic habitats and also appear to be predaceous on various arthropods, particularly other Diptera larvae (Cumming and Cooper 1993). Many species of “Empididae” mate on the ground or on vegetation while others gather in mating swarms (Downes 1969; Chvála 1976, 1983).
Dance Flies (Family Empididae) - iNaturalist
Empididae is a family of flies with over 3,000 described species occurring worldwide in all the Ecozones but the majority are found in the Holarctic. They are mainly predatory flies like most of their relatives in the Empidoidea, and exhibit a wide range of forms but are generally small to medium sized, non-metallic and rather bristly.