Construction of Second Factory of German Company ZF in Pancevo …
Nov 23, 2022 · The president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, yesterday visited in Pancevo the works on the construction of the second factory of the German company ZF (ZF Friedrichshafen AG), where electric car engines would be produced, and emphasized that Germany was by far the biggest trade partner of Serbia.
Serbia: Germany's ZF starts building second Pancevo plant
Nov 23, 2022 · The ZF has said the new Pancevo factory represented a major turning point in the development of ZF Serbia and that it would be the first emission-free production plant in the ZF's division for electric drivetrain system technologies.
Michael Stauch, Managing Directors of ZF Serbia’s Pančevo plant: …
Jul 20, 2020 · Just two years ago, ZF chose Pančevo and Serbia as a location for the company’s biggest European plant of its youngest ZF E-Mobility division, which construction and equipping cost 160 million euro. This bold decision initiated the Northern Industrial Zone in Pančevo.
German company ZF to invest in e-vehicle parts factory in Pančevo…
Apr 3, 2018 · German company ZF Friedrichshafen AD (ZF) plans to invest in the construction of an electric vehicle parts factory in Pančevo. The first phase investment totals EUR 85 million, the city government has announced.
Jun 12, 2019 · Nemačka kompanija ZF otvorila je danas fabriku autodelova u Pančevu, u prisustvu predsednika Srbije Aleksandra Vučića, što je najveća proizvodna investicija vredna ukupno 160 miliona evra i u okviru koje će biti zaposleno više od 1.000 ljudi.
Novi pogon ZF-a od 238 miliona evra u Pančevu bez emisije …
Dec 12, 2023 · Nemačka kompanija ZF, koja u Pančevu proizvodi električne pogonske sisteme, kao i menjače i mikroprekidače za vozila, investirala je 238 miliona evra u drugi proizvodni pogon u ovom gradu. Nova fabrika je namenjena za elektronske komponente za hibridna vozila, kao i za vozila premijum i sportske klase koja pokreću električne baterije.
ZF still hiring for newly opened EV components plant in Pančevo
Jun 25, 2019 · German car parts maker ZF Friedrichshafen AG (ZF) has unveiled a plant in Pančevo to produce powertrain components for hybrid and electric vehicles (EV), which already employs 300 people, with plans to expand the facilities and create a further 700 jobs by 2021, local media have reported.
Grand Opening of the ZF Auto Parts Factory in Pančevo
On June 12, 2019, the German company “ZF Friedrichshafen AG” opened their first ZF Serbia factory in Pančevo. This factory will produce electric motors, electric machines, and generators for hybrid and electric drives as well as switches for gearboxes and micro switches.
Свечано отворена фабрика „ZF Friedrichshafen AG“ у Панчеву
Jun 12, 2019 · У присуству председника Републике Србије, Александра Вучића, компанија „ZF Friedrichshafen AG“ данас је свечано отворила фабрику у Панчеву. На новој производној локацији, у северној индустријској зони Панчева, производиће се првенствено електричне машине и генератори за хибридне и електричне погоне, као и прекидачи за мењаче и микропрекидачи.
ZF opened a factory in Pancevo - ras.gov.rs
Aug 10, 2019 · The German company ZF (ZF Friedrichshafen AG) opened a factory of automotive components in the industrial zone of Pancevo, where, as announced earlier, around 300 people will be employed initially, and over 1.000 in a later phase.