Blue Mountains | The One Wiki to Rule Them All | Fandom
The Blue Mountains, or Ered Luin, also known as Ered Lindon, was a mountain range situated in the far west of Eriador. The Blue Mountains arose sometime after the tumultuous chaos …
Blue Mountains - Tolkien Gateway
Jun 25, 2024 · The Blue Mountains (S. Ered Luin), also known as Ered Lindon or Mountains of Lune, was the mountain range at the far west of Eriador and far east of Beleriand. In the early …
Ered Luin - Lotro-Wiki.com
Dec 2, 2024 · Ered Luin is a region found within the land of Eriador. (Sindarin for Blue Mountains) is located in the far west of Eriador, north-west of and connected to the Shire.
Geography of Middle-earth - Wikipedia
It is bordered to the north by the Ered Lithui, the Ash Mountains; to the west by the Ephel Duath, the Mountains of Shadow. Between those two ranges, at Mordor's northwest tip, are the Black …
Middle-earth locations - Simple English Wikipedia, the free …
Ered Luin: Ered Luin (Sindarin: Blue Mountains), also known as Ered Lindon are a mountain range in the far west of Eriador. Until the end of the First Age, the Ered Luin separated …
Ered Luin - Ardapedia
Die Ered Luin waren eine lange, von Norden nach Süden verlaufende Gebirgskette in den nordwestlichen Landen Mittelerdes. In der Altvorderenzeit bildeten sie eine durchgehende …
Thorin's hall - Tolkien Gateway
Jun 25, 2024 · Thorin ruled in the Ered Luin for nearly one hundred years, until he met Gandalf the Wizard who helped him concoct a plan to take back Erebor from Smaug; he left his halls …
Ered Luin | Der Herr der Ringe Wiki | Fandom
Die Ered Luin waren eine nordwestlich gelegene Gebirgskette in Mittelerde. In der Altvorderenzeit trennten die Ered Luin Beleriand von Eriador. Im Krieg des Zorns am Ende des Ersten …
Ered Luin - Home
The blue mountains or Ered Luin were a mountain range in the west of middle earth or in the center of Beleriand , near the blue moon.It was not far from the Shire and Anuminas.
The Encyclopedia of Arda - Ered Luin
The map on the left shows Ered Luin, the Blue Mountains, during the First Age, before the cataclysm that brought that Age to its end. The map on the right shows the later geography of …