Update 43 Release Notes - The Lord of the Rings Online
Feb 26, 2025 · The completion of tasks in Eregion now awards reputation with the Elves of Rivendell. Duplicate tasks for the Elves of Rivendell have been removed from the level 31-40 Neighborhood Task Boards Housing neighborhood task collection boards have been updated to include Ikorbâni, Adúrhid, and Phetekâri faction task quests.
Book 14 Release Notes - The Lord of the Rings Online
Jul 22, 2008 · Book 14: The Ring-forges of Eregion brings a wide array of changes to LOTRO, including the addition of Eregion, the continuation of the epic questline, and preparations for Moria! The team has also been hard at work adding even more player-requested features to the game! Highlights. Eregion: Journey to where the Elven Rings were forged!
Update 1 Release Notes - The Lord of the Rings Online
Nov 10, 2010 · Hunter class quest “Lay of Land” could not be completed by Free players without also purchasing the Eregion quest pack (due to the quest requiring the completion of two exploratory deeds: “Dens of the Beasts” and “The Ruins of Eregion”). The exploratory deeds are now free so that Hunters can complete their level 50 class quest ...
Guide to Birding - The Lord of the Rings Online
Jul 29, 2024 · Finding birds also completes Deeds that can be found in the Hobbies tab of the Deed Log (accessed with Shift+L or through the main menu). Completing some Deeds or leveling up your Proficiency will give you rewards, including Birding portrait frames, a Birding-themed outfit in various colors and more! NOTES: Yes, you can have more than one Hobby!
Before the Shadow: Swanfleet - The Lord of the Rings Online
Oct 4, 2022 · In those days, Celeborn was still chief of the fabled Bright Company, and often set forth to battle the Orcs and things far worse that had escaped Morgoth’s fall. He became Eregion’s chief protector, while Galadriel tended Swanfleet's brooks and woods and helped make Caras Gelebren a place of beauty recalling the fabled Elf-halls of old.
Siege of Mirkwood Release Notes - The Lord of the Rings Online
Dec 1, 2009 · Skirmish Deeds cannot be completed at trivial player levels. The monster must con a colour other than gray to get credit for the deed kill. Reputation items for the lower levels (Rivendell, Ered Luin, Mathom Society, Esteldin, Evendim, Lossoth, Bree, and Council of the North) will now drop with the same frequency as rep items in Moria.
June 12th 2007 Release Notes | The Lord of the Rings Online
Jun 12, 2007 · The ancient keep of Helegrod was home to mighty dwarves during the times of Moria. The dragon Thorog coveted the riches that lay within and assaulted the city, slaying dwarves beyond measure. Durin the Fifth strapped to his back Mírdanant, a gift of Eregion to his grandsire which passed from father to son through the long years.
Update 41 Release Notes - The Lord of the Rings Online
Jul 29, 2024 · Currently, Birding is possible in Forochel, Angmar, Ered Luin, Evendim, North Downs, Misty Mountains, the Shire, Bree-land, Lone-lands, Cardolan, Trollshaws, Swanfleet, Eregion, Enedwaith, and Dunland. After twenty Birding attempts in a region the area will grow cold and you'll need to travel to a different region to continue or wait for the ...
Update 37 Release Notes - The Lord of the Rings Online
Aug 28, 2023 · Added new deeds for completing 3 and 6-person Delving instances on Tiers 8, 10, and 12; which reward Delving Barter Writs and Virtue XP. King's Gondor - The Deed Log page for Update 36: Gondor Renewed has been renamed from "Renewal of …
Update 28.2 Release Notes - The Lord of the Rings Online
Dec 10, 2020 · Tier 5 difficulty of Shakalush, the Stair Battle and Amdân Dammul, The Bloody Threshold will become available on 12/10/20 at 12PM Eastern. The Leading the Charge / Ahead of the Curve deeds and titles will be available for both instances through 1/20/2021 (turning off 1/21/21@3:00 AM Eastern). New Yuletide Hobbit Gifts!