Spoiler Volo ~ Enabler of 20 Charisma Sorcerer and Camp …
Oct 1, 2021 · Amazing find by Peregrinator9 on Reddit with a tip that Volo's Ersatz Eye can 'used" by right clicking on it your inventory. Using it gives your toon a +1 charisma, -1 Int buff until your next long rest. This buff does not have an icon so …
Volos Ersatz Eye has no effect - Larian Studios forums
Oct 31, 2020 · After getting your eye removed by Volo, you have a strong permanent debuff called "Volo's Treatment" (-1 INT, disadvantage perception, cannot roll crits). However he gives you a magical replacement eye, and when inserted the …
See invisible spell not working ? - Larian Studios forums
Oct 16, 2023 · I have noticed invisibility not working that great hardly revealing any I have volos eye and zombies seem to be struggling with detect presence. I do Aoe the 4-6 areas with fire,Ice,tentacles,thorns in hopes I'll catch one. Yurgir was ridiculous the other night 4 of us surrounding him and not detecting him.
Cosmetics - Larian Studios forums
Jul 10, 2023 · Wishlist for future changes: Volo's ersatz eye/Ethel eye hide option, or let us customise colours on it Make skintones match the palette more closely. Add the gloss/metallic sliders to face markings Add both sclera/iris color to the preview palettes There is …
Volos Ersatz Eye has no effect - Larian Studios forums
Re: Volos Ersatz Eye has no effect Demoulius: 31/10/20 11:51 AM: Re: Volos Ersatz Eye has no effect azarhal: 31/10/20 12:07 PM: Re: Volos Ersatz Eye has no effect pts: 31/10/20 01:21 PM: Re: Volos Ersatz Eye has no effect Demoulius: 31/10/20 12:22 PM: Re: Volos Ersatz Eye has no effect Callimachus: 31/10/20 12:31 PM: Re: Volos Ersatz Eye has no ...
Customize Disguise Self - Larian Studios forums
Sep 27, 2023 · I would have all my disguises be obvious versions of disguises, like my male Tiefling, if he disguise himself as a human, I'll have it so it'll be him as a human, same hair style on males, same hair color, Heterochromia (right eye, …
Volo's Ersatz eye and Hag’s hair Charisma partially broken
Jan 2, 2023 · Volo's Ersatz eye and Hag’s hair Charisma partially broken #843329 01/02/23 09:30 PM. Joined: Feb 2023. N.
Volos Ersatz Eye has no effect - Larian Studios forums
Re: Volos Ersatz Eye has no effect Callimachus: 31/10/20 12:31 PM: Re: Volos Ersatz Eye has no effect Demoulius: 01/11/20 10:31 AM: Re: Volos Ersatz Eye has no effect HakkaStyle: 01/11/20 02:20 PM: Re: Volos Ersatz Eye has no effect Demoulius: 01/11/20 03:34 PM: Re: Volos Ersatz Eye has no effect Kraydenvar: 01/11/20 04:51 PM: Re: Volos Ersatz ...
Auntie Ethel's Deal SPOILER - Larian Studios forums
Oct 15, 2020 · Just had another run in with Auntie Ethel offering to remove the parasite in exchange for an eye. Trouble is, I already took Volo's marvelous suggestion to shove an icepick in my brain and no I'm equipped with his Ersatz Eye. Ethel mentioned I didn't have an eye to spare, which is a great...
Githyanki Planecaster Bug - Larian Studios forums
Apr 10, 2023 · The problem was Volo's Ersatz Eye. In other play-throughs I did not let Volo replace my eye. In this play-through I had allowed him to do so. I loaded a save from before the eye surgery, rushed back through to the Inquisitor scene, and Vlaakith triggered properly now that I did not have the magical eye.