Lycogala epidendrum - Wikipedia
Lycogala epidendrum, commonly known as wolf's milk or groening's slime, is a cosmopolitan species of myxogastrid amoeba which is often mistaken for a fungus. The aethalia, or fruiting bodies, occur either scattered or in groups on damp rotten wood, especially on large logs, from June to November.
In 2023, 15 species of Lycogala were newly described, and their holotypes were obtained from various collections, including private ones (Leontyev et al. 2023b). To safeguard these specimens from potential loss, in September 2023, they were officially deposited in the State Botanic Collection (SNSB) in Munich, Germany.
Lycogala - Wikipedia
Lycogala is a genus of Amoebozoa, including the species Lycogala epidendrum. [2]
Esporas de color amarillo páli-do, globosas, ornamentadas parcialmente con un tenue retículo, (5,1-)5,5-6,9(-7,4) × (4,5-)5,1-6,5(-6,8) µm; Q = 1,0-1,1(-1,2); N = 50; Me = 6,3 × 5,9 µm; Qe = 11. Sinónimos homotípicos: Lycoperdon epidendrum J.C. Buxb. ex L., Sp. pl. 2: 1184 (1753)
Lycogala epidendrum: The Ultimate Mushroom Guide
Lycogala epidendrum is one of the most widely distributed and well-known slime molds. The fruiting bodies resemble puffballs but are much smaller. If an immature fruiting body is broken open, the contents ooze out as a pink slimy substance that has the consistency of toothpaste.
Biodiversity Website - Lycogala epidendrum - Google Sites
Lycogala epidendrum (Wolf's Milk) is a little, round, orange or pink ball that grows in groups on dead wood. As it gets older, it slowly tans into an olive color.
FAMILIA: Reticulariacea. GENERO: Lycogala
Se diferencia de otras especies del género Lycogala en una masa de esporas de color marrón oscuro. Pie: inexistente. Hábitat: crecen solos o dispersos sobre ramas muertas y caídas. Esporas: 7-8 µm de diámetro, con una ornamentación …
Lycogala epidendrum - Messiah University
Lycogala flavofuscum which resembles L. epidendrum but which is larger (2 cm or more in diameter), has a thicker, nearly smooth peridium, occurs on living as well as dead wood, and is not nearly as common. Photo © Steve Nelsen.
(PDF) Lycogala epidendrum Myxomycetes - ResearchGate
PDF | On Jan 1, 2002, Armando López and others published Lycogala epidendrum Myxomycetes | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate
Lycogala epidendrum . [Descriptions of Fungi and Bacteria].
Jul 23, 2020 · A description is provided for Lycogala epidendrum, a wood-inhabiting myxomycete which occurs on dead branches, twigs and wood, rotten logs, stumps and trunks, cut logs and other woody debris.
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