ESSE Hybrid: the modern range cooker with fire in its belly
Oct 29, 2019 · ESSE’s new 990 Hybrid is an elegant range cooker with fire in its belly. Part wood-burning cook stove, part contemporary electric range cooker, the new Hybrid brings the scent of woodsmoke and an appetite for off-grid cooking adventures into the heart of the kitchen.
ESSE Hybrid: Cosiness and convenience combined
Jan 4, 2019 · When your head wants the ease and convenience of electric power, but your heart still yearns for a real fire, ESSE has the answer. Meet the new 990 Hybrid. An elegant range cooker with contemporary convenience and control as standard and a real fire at its heart.
990 Wood-fired Cooker - ESSE Stoves
The wood-burning 990, like all ESSE cookers, combines technological advancements with classic ESSE quality. With three large capacity ovens (which can all maintain different temperatures for ease of use) the 990 offers a huge 112 litre cooking volume.
Esse 990 Hybrid from Mr Stoves Brisbane
An all-in-one combo cooker, the Esse Hybrid combines both wood and electric components to create a real solution for all seasons. Discontinued. Drawing from the classic ESSE styling of early 20th Century, the ESSE hybrid blends vintage aesthetics with modern convenience.
Esse 990 Range Cooker - County Woodburning Centre
The 990 is a DEFRA exempt appliance suitable for burning wood in a smoke control zone. With three huge ovens and the biggest cast iron hotplate in our range, the stately 990 does not simply offer more space - but more flexibility.
ESSE’s Luxurious New Range Cooker Brochure Now Available
Apr 12, 2019 · As its name implies, the dual-fuel ESSE 990 Hybrid offers the choice and versatility of cooking with electricity or solid fuel, combining the convenience and control of electric power with the cosy glow of a real fire.
ESSE wood + electric hybrid cooker presented by Norwegian
Highlights of the new 990 Hybrid range cooking stove presented by Lars Rodvelt of ESSE Skandinavia. #ESSErangecookers #MadeinBritain enjoyed in homes globally.
ESSE 990 WN Woodfired Range Cooker - OrionHeating.co.uk
With three large capacity ovens (which can all maintain different temperatures for ease of use) the 990 offers a huge 112 litre cooking volume. It draws on classic ESSE styling from the 1930s, and blends vintage aesthetics with modern benefits.
Esse Engineering 990 HYBRID Instructions Manual
View and Download Esse Engineering 990 HYBRID instructions manual online. 990 HYBRID kitchen appliances pdf manual download.
HYBRID For those who demand the modern innovative features of electric, but still want to be able to be romanced by flickering flames and the convection heat that only a wood cooker can create, look no further than the ESSE Hybrid. It is a dual fuel cooker ready for service.