Listing of Ethylone in Schedule I of Controlled Substances and ...
Jun 8, 2020 · Ethylone has been controlled in the United States as a positional isomer of a schedule I hallucinogen. In this final rule, DEA is merely amending its regulations to formally list ethylone in schedule I and to assign the Administration Controlled Substances Code Number 7547 to the substance.
Eleventh Circuit Rules DEA’s Definition of Positional Isomer Does …
Mar 15, 2019 · It is clear that ethylone is an isomer of butylone. Whether it is a “positional isomer” is less clear. In 21 C.F.R. § 1300.0l (b), the DEA defines “positional isomers” as substances with the same molecular formula, core structure, and functional groups or substituents.
2,3-Ethylone isomer - SpectraBase
Compound 2,3-Ethylone isomerwith free spectra: 1 FTIR, and 2 MS (GC).
Ethylone - Expert Committee on Drug Dependence Information …
Chemically, ethylone is 1-(2H-1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)-2-(ethylamino)propan-1- one. It is a chiral compound with isomers, and its hydrochloride salt can exist in two conformations (polymorphs) at the C–C bond linking the side chain to the aromatic ring.
Identification of polymorphism in ethylone hydrochloride: …
The two polymorphs of ethylone hydrochloride were synthesized in our laboratory and it has been shown that they can be distinguished easily by ATR‐FTIR, FT‐Raman, powder XRD, and solid‐state NMR. The synthesized ethylone was also characterized by GC‐MS, ESI‐HRMS and solution‐state NMR.
Trapped ion mobility mass spectrometry of new ... - ScienceDirect
Jul 11, 2023 · In case sample 2, the mass spectrum also indicated the presence of an ethylone (m/z 222.113), which via the constructed EIM was identified as the 3,4-isomer (Fig. 3 C). These two examples demonstrate the potential of the developed TIMS-TOF MS workflow to reliably, selectively, and quickly (i.e., within 5 min) assign cathinone isomers in real ...
Chemical identification and differentiation of positional isomers of ...
Sep 1, 2023 · This study investigated four different compound classes, including: 1-pentyl-3-(1-naphthoyl)indole) (JWH-018) and its structural isomers, 1-(5-fluoropentyl)-3-(1-naphthoyl)indole) (AM-2201) and its fluoropentyl isomers, MMC and its aromatic positional isomers, as well as dibutylone and its analogues.
mzCloud – 2 3 Ethylone isomer
2,3-Ethylone isomer (hydrochloride); 2,3-bk-MDEA isomer . Formula: C 12 H 15 NO 3. Class: Drugs of Abuse/Illegal Drugs
11. CID-MS spectra for the 2,3-ethylone isomer at a) 10
CID-MS spectra for the 2,3-ethylone isomer at a) 10 V, b) 20 V and c) 40 V. from publication: SYNTHETIC CATHINONE CHARACTERIZATION AND ISOMER IDENTIFICATION USING ENERGY-RESOLVED TANDEM...
Ethylone is (RS)-1-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)-2-(ethylamino)propan-1-one (aka, 3,4- methylenedioxy-N-ethylcathinone). It has a chiral center with two stereoisomers.