Gleysol - Wikipedia
Gleysols occur within a wide range of unconsolidated materials, mainly fluvial, marine and lacustrine sediments of Pleistocene or Holocene age, having basic to acidic mineralogy. They …
Artificially drained Gleysols are used for arable cropping, dairy farming and horticulture. Gleysols in the tropics and subtropics are widely planted to rice. Gleysols occupy an estimated 720 …
Key to the FAO Soil Units (1974) - Food and Agriculture …
Calcaric Gleysols (Gc) Other Gleysols having one or more of the following: a calcic horizon or a gypsic horizon within 125 cm of the surface, or are calcareous at least between 20 and 50 cm …
FAO/UNESCO System of Soil Classification - University of Arizona
Gleyic Arenosols, added to the revised legend. Haplic Arenosols, added to the revised legend. Calcisols: New class of soils with accumulation of calcium carbonate. Cambisols: Soil with …
Changes in Principal Qualifiers used in Gleysols 1974 - 2022 Table A2 gives an overview of all the 43 principal qualifiers that have been used for Gleysols since FAO74. Thirteen of these …
Gleysol | Wetland Soil, Hydromorphic, Clayey | Britannica
Gleysol, one of the 30 soil groups in the classification system of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Gleysols are formed under waterlogged conditions produced by rising …
Soil Types, Soil Classification, and Mapping | SpringerLink
Oct 15, 2021 · Soil Types (WRB): Eutric Gleysols and Eutric Cambisols, with some Humic Acrisols, are commonly found in the region. Moderately to very steeply sloping hilly and …
GLEYSOLS • Gleysols, unless drained, are saturated with groundwater for long enough periods to develop a characteristic "gleyic colour pattern". • Profile development: mostly A(Bg)Cr or …
Gleysols - ISRIC
Gleysols occur throughout the world where groundwater comes near to the surface, causing soils to become wet for a prolonged part of the year. They are particularly abundant in the low-lying …
Reference soil Thailand 04: Eutric Gleysol - ISRIC — World Soil ...
Climate: Tropical savanna; average temperature of hottest month (April) is 30.6°C and of coolest month (December) 25.2°C; the total annual rainfall in Sing Buri is 1172 mm, of which 85% falls …
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