Introducing Planetary Interaction Tools website - EVE Online Forums
Jun 8, 2020 · Hi everyone. I’ve created this siteweb after realising that some of my alliance mates had troubles finding an “all in 1 tool” for Planetary Interaction. Design is inspired by Alysii’s PI Scheme (Alysii's PI Scheme) and PI Helper (which is now offline). My idea was to merge the interesting and goodlooking Alysii’s Scheme with the usefullness of PI Helper, and also, and most of …
Meph's Magical PI Setups for the Interminably Lazy
Feb 2, 2018 · Extraction: For Extraction planets, I use this setup. It requires export roughly once a week. Raw materials come into the Silo, then out to the factories, then back to the launchpads.
Planetary interaction website (evehelper.pages.dev) - EVE Online …
Jun 28, 2020 · Real Pi needs to be broken down per planet PER m3 haulage per cost. You need to at a glance know that in one haul you can make 100m from 6 planets. You need to be able to know how many factories you can use per planet and at a glance know how many m3 inputs you need and how much m3 outputs it produces.
EVE Planetary Planner - Third Party Developers - EVE Online Forums
Jun 28, 2017 · EVE Planetary Planner is a small tool I created to have a quick and easy overview of Planetary Interaction in EVE Online. Planetary interaction is not very complicated by itself. But it still easy to get lost along the production line, and make mistakes that could cost you, or your corp, millions or billions of ISKs. The tool can display …
PI > POS Fuel - Science & Industry - EVE Online Forums
Apr 5, 2019 · hello! are there any definitive guides, or, can anybody bestow some knowledge about running a PI chain for POS fuel? I have 8 characters I can use, 3 of which are fully PI trained. The others are all mostly III / IV. I suppose I could do more than POS fuel? I am aiming to help my corp. Would listing my planets be helpful? Or is there a third party planner type thing I can use? A while ago I ...
Rate my PI Fuel Production Setup - EVE Online Forums
Mar 19, 2021 · You’re better off just buying the crap to make fuel blocks than you are wasting time diddling Pi to try and make fuel blocks make sense. As I said, Fuel blocks are ICE DEPENDENT industries…not PI DEPENDENT. Meaning making or buying the Pi is irrelevant, you will save no isk. About 80% of the value of fuel blocks are in the ice products.
Introducing Planetary Interaction Tools website - EVE Online Forums
Jun 2, 2021 · 1 Add Column Headers… Folks New to PI may not realize which tier is Which 2, Box link with basic Facility info… Things like Input/Output Quanties, and maybe Import/Export rate with a Customs Skill as a Setting option for NPC, if Hisec and a customs Office rate. Just something to show the costs
Planetary Interaction, Fuel Blocks and me! - EVE Online Forums
May 27, 2019 · Hey folks, I recently decided to take a plunge into PI for the purpose of making the required materials for fuel block production. I mine some of my own ice so I figured I could also make some fuel on the side. I got the basics down and understand what is required to make the components, but it is incredibly inefficient. Could someone help me either here in the forum or in-game to discuss how ...
Alysii PI Link - My EVE - EVE Online Forums
Oct 8, 2017 · This topic was automatically closed 90 days after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed.
Upgrades to PI left to the vacation student - EVE Online Forums
Mar 13, 2025 · Just looking at the upgrades to the PI interface; touted as a major improvement to useability (apparently with CSM input). They just stuck a big RESET button on it. The difficulty in using this interface should be obvious, and none of it has been improved. Things like: trying to view a white extractor radius on a white background the grid-snap which happens every time you pick up an extractor ...