Purpose of Reed Switch on EZGO Electric Golf Cart
Dec 1, 2018 · Hi, Beardog, new member. I own a 2000 yr. model EZGO TXT electric golf cart. The charger socket on the cart has a reed switch inside of it. Could anybody tell me the purpose of the reed switch for this particular application or the general purpose of …
E-Z-GO - Reed Switch Test and Bypass - Cartaholics Golf Cart Forum
Feb 26, 2007 · EZGO Golf Cart Reed Switch Testing and Bypass Check for battery pack voltage at the small white wire coming out of the back of the charger receptacle. If there's no voltage reading the reed switch is blown. You can unplug the connector on the red/white wire and run a jumper from the red wire on...
Reed switch problems - Buggies Gone Wild
Jun 4, 2018 · Reed switch problems Electric EZGO. Does it seem right that there isn't a reed switch in the charging block, other than the cables that go to the batteries, there is only one red wire which goes to the controller, or does than mean the switch is in the controller? -- sorry if these are crazy questions, but I just spent a thousand dollars on replacement parts and don't want to blow anything ...
Reed Switch Bypass - Buggies Gone Wild
May 19, 2007 · Cut the thin white Reed switch wire as close to the Reed switch itself as you can. Discard Reed switch. Install an eyelet on the newly cut white wire and attach it to the A(+pos) connection of the cart charger receptacle (where the thin red wire used to be). Your Reed switch is now bypassed.
EZGO Golf Cart Reed Switch Testing and Bypass
Apr 7, 2017 · EZGO Golf Cart Reed Switch Testing and Bypass. Reactions: Golf_Kook and Nicklerandy82. Author HotRodCarts ...
2001 EzGo TXT PDS Reed Switch and Pedal Box Wiring
Jul 19, 2017 · There's a EZGO PDS wiring diagram in the Resource section of the forum that shows the reed switch wiring. There's also a link to download the EZGO service manual. The white wire from the reed switch should plug into the red wire and run to pin 4 on the controller.
How to bypass reed switch - Buggies Gone Wild
Apr 3, 2013 · How to bypass reed switch Electric EZGO. You can either attach a ring terminal to the white wire and land it where the red wire is, or cut the red and white wires close to the reed switch and connect them together.
How Do I Bypass EZGO Reed PDS Switch - Cartaholics Golf Cart …
Nov 29, 2020 · Here's a link to the resource section of the forum that had a description of bypassing the reed switch on an EZGO. EZGO Golf Cart Reed Switch Testing and Bypass EZGO Golf Cart Reed Switch Testing and Bypass :ezgo:
2018 lithium RXV interlock/reed switch and on-board charger
Nov 13, 2024 · Re: 2018 lithium RXV interlock/reed switch and on-board charger You get a 120v relay, wire the coil to the AC input, and use it to switch the charger interlock signal just like a manual switch. Use the normally closed side to have the interlock signal go to B+.
EZGO Reed Switch | Cartaholics Golf Cart Forum
Apr 9, 2007 · The reed switch is really just a safety feature to prevent the golf cart from operating while the charger is plugged in. You can bypass it and it won't cause any problems at all. Just make sure you unplug the charger before riding. Buggies Unlimited has all the parts for the charger receptacle. Or you can get the parts at any EZGO dealer.