Notice of Closure
The Ezil mining pool shut down its operations on March 25, 2024. We have made sure that all payouts were made and have decided to bear the costs for even the smallest balances to be paid out. You need to switch to another pool to continue mining.
How to set up mining the main coin on other pools + Zilliqa on …
Now you can try to use this bat file and check Zilliqa mining at ezil.me dashboard by using your zilliqa wallet address zilliqa network. after next round since start miner you can check Zilliqa hashrate and shares and after ~1 hour you will get the first Zilliqa rewards.
Ezil - Mining pool
User Notice. By continuing to use the ezil.me website you are accepting and consenting to the practices described in our Terms of operation and Privacy policy. We and ...
ZIL only (Zilliqa only) servers list : Help Centre - help.ezil.me
Oct 31, 2023 · Ports (same for all servers): TCP - 50810 SSL - 50813 Servers: EU1 (Germany): eu.ezil.me EU2 (Romania): ro.ezil.me Asia 1 (Singapore): asia.ezil.me Asia 2 (optimized for China): tw.ezil.me Asia 3 (optimized for China): hk...
Help Centre - help.ezil.me
Создано: Frankie ezil.me Изменено: Пн, 30 Окт, 2023 на 7:03 PM Да, это возможно, но требует определенных настроек майнерского ПО.
Настройка RaveOS ETC : Help Centre - help.ezil.me
В строке "Please select pool" пишем и выбираем ezil В появившемся списке выбираем сервера для подключения. Выберите ближайшие к Вам сервера.
How to set up mining the main coin on other pools + Zilliqa on …
Now you can try to use this bat file and check Zilliqa mining at ezil.me dashboard by your Zilliqa wallet address Zilliqa network. After the next round since the start of mining you can check Zilliqa hashrate and shares and after ~1 hour you will get the first Zilliqa rewards .
Новые монеты на Ezil : Help Centre
Привет майнеры После перехода на PoS Ethereum - основной монеты для GPU майнинга, вся индустрия находится в поиске новых фаворитов. На данный момент определенно можно сказать, что ответа на этот вопрос нет ни у кого на рынке.
Platform Upgrade: ZIL hashrate and Updated Revenue Report
Sep 5, 2023 · Created by: Frankie ezil.me Modified on: Tue, 5 Sep, 2023 at 4:24 PM Our team is glad to announce a long-awaited platform upgrade we have been working on this summer.
Как майнить другие монеты, которых нет на вашем пуле, с …
Для настройки майнинга zilliqa с нашим пулом на windows вам потребуется изменить ваш .bat файл в папке майнера и вставить перед pause следующие команды. --zil-enable --zil-pool ru.ezil.me:50810 --zil-wallet zilwallet --zil-esm 2 ВН...
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