Republic XF-103 - Wikipedia
The Republic XF-103 was an American project to develop a powerful missile -armed interceptor aircraft capable of destroying Soviet bombers while flying at speeds as high as Mach 3. Despite a prolonged development, it never progressed past the mockup stage.
Audi F103 - Wikipedia
F103 is the internal designation for a series of car models produced by Auto Union in West Germany from 1965 to 1972, derived from the earlier DKW F102. To signify the change from a two-stroke to four-stroke engine, the DKW marque was dropped in favour of Audi , a name that had been dormant since before the Second World War.
General Electric CF6 - Wikipedia
The General Electric CF6, US military designations F103 and F138, is a family of high-bypass turbofan engines produced by GE Aviation. Based on the TF39 , the first high-power high-bypass jet engine, the CF6 powers a wide variety of civilian airliners.
FLASHBACK: Triplesonic Interceptors: The F-103, F-108 & YF-12A
Jan 16, 2020 · As a result of this RFP, the Republic Aircraft Corporation began designing the Mach 3 capable XF-103. Though they didn’t win the competition, the Air Force felt the project should continue. The most unique feature of the XF-103 was the dual-cycle propulsion system which could act as a traditional turbojet as well as a ramjet.
STM32F103C8T6单片机简介 - CSDN博客
Jan 25, 2022 · STM32F103C8T6 是一款由意法半导体公司(ST)推出的基于Cortex-M3内核的32位微控制器,硬件采用 LQFP48 封装,属于ST公司微控制器中的 STM32 系列。 除了被我们熟知的STM32,ST公司还有SPC5X系列、STM8系列等,具体参数如下: ARM公司在ARM11以后改用Cortex命名,并分成A、R和M三类,M系列有M0、M0+、M3、M4、M7。 Cortex-M3是ARM公司推出的基于ARMv7架构的MCU内核,ST公司在此内核的基础上完成了USART、DMA …
Supersonic Waste: The Story of the F-103 Mach 3 Ramjet Fighter
Dec 28, 2019 · Key point: Had the U.S. Air Force actually fielded an F-103, it would probably have been a supersonic waste. Before the advent of ICBMs in the 1950s, the horsemen of the nuclear apocalypse...
The F-103 Could Have Been America’s Mach 3 Ramjet Fighter
Sep 23, 2016 · Of the three designs, the XF-103 was the most advanced. Republic proposed an aircraft that could fly 2,600 miles per hour—faster than three times the speed of sound—to an altitude of 80,000...
Audi F103 2025 – Performance, Features & First Drive the
2 days ago · Video Description:Join us as we take an in-depth look at the 2025 Audi F103, a modern revival of an iconic classic! We’ll explore its sleek design, advanced ...
XF-103: The American Super-Plane That Never Was
Jul 21, 2021 · Of the three designs, the XF-103 was the most advanced. Republic proposed an aircraft that could fly 2,600 miles per hour—faster than three times the speed of sound—to an …
F103 / CF6-50 - GlobalSecurity.org
GE's F103 engine, a military version of the very popular CF6 commercial jet engine, helps militaries refuel other aircraft anywhere in the world. The KC-10A Extender is an advanced aerial tanker...