FA-1 / FA-1m by Mike Sosalla Rock Island Railroad photo site
Mike Sosalla Rock Island Railroad photo site | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> FA-1 / FA-1m tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
Pictures of CRIP 160 - rrpicturearchives.net
Aided by a fleet of 95 ALCO-GE locomotives, this “railroad of planned progress” already has dieselized 85% of its operations. First to dieselize completely its suburban service into Chicago, the Rock Island selected ALCO-GE road switchers almost exclusively to handle this high-speed passenger service.
ALCO FA - Wikipedia
The ALCO FA is a family of B-B diesel locomotives designed to haul freight trains. The locomotives were built by a partnership of ALCO and General Electric in Schenectady, New York, between January 1946 and May 1959.
Rock Island FA-1 in passenger service? - Trainorders.com
A couple of days ago we posted a shot of a Rock Island freight consist with 3 new Alco FA/FBs rolling through Topeka, KS ( https://www.trainorders.com/discussion/read.php?11,4964413). And we got some really nice replies.
CRIP - Chicago Rock Island & Pacific Locomotive Roster - Railroad ...
Chicago Rock Island & Pacific Photographic Roster : Reporting Marks: CRIP Showing Locomotive model FA1 : Click on a locomotive to view pictures
TRAINZland - Rock Island FA1
Rock Island FA1. American Locomotive Company FA-1 F - for freight, A - for A unit, 1 - the model number. ALCo's FA1 became a stalwart of many rosters. Similiar in appearance to the famed PA, though distinctive with it's shorter nose, 864 A units & …
Life-Like Proto 2000 HO FA1 A-B Set Rock Island
Life-Like Proto 2000 HO FA1 A-B Set Rock Island Please note: Pictures are representations; some road numbers may not be shown. For a comprehensive list of features, please visit the manufacturer’s website.
<kuid2:327871:100734:1> Rock Island FA1 - kuid base - Trainz-Mp
ALCo's FA1 became a stalwart of many rosters. Similiar in appearance to the famed PA, though distinctive with it's shorter nose, 864 A units & 490 B units were produced between 1946 & 1959. A turbo charged, fuel injected 4 stroke engine, the 244 was ALCo's first diesel prime mover, taking it's name from the year in which it first ran, 1944.
Rapido 37072 HO ALCo FA1, Standard DC, Rock Island #158
Between January 1946 and October 1950, a total of 440 FA-1s and 240 FB-1s were built by Alco and their Canadian subsidiary, Montreal Locomotive Works (MLW). They were originally sold to twenty-five railroads in the US, Canada and Mexico. The FA-1 (and booster FB-1) were rated at 1500 horsepower and designed primarily as a freight hauler.
<kuid:-25:96> Rock Island FA1 - kuid base - Trainz-Mp
Feb 7, 2025 · Die FA1 von ALCo wurde zum robusten Arbeitstier vieler Flotten. Von der in ihrem Aussehen der berühmten PA zwar ähnlichen, durch die kurze Nase jedoch deutlich unterscheidbaren Lok wurden zwischen 1946 und 1959 insgesamt 864 A- …
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