The Commission is an intergovernmental forum for discussion and negotiation by Governments on matters related to biodiversity for food and agriculture. The Commission’s Fifteenth Regular Session will be held at FAO Headquarters in Rome from 19 to 23 January 2015.
Fao Design system
The FAO logo is a key element in communicating a common message and presenting FAO as one unified organization. The FAO logo is the corporate identifier and official seal of the Organization, and it is protected under international treaties …
The Development Law Branch of FAO (LEGN) helps member countries analyse and improve their laws governing agriculture and natural resources management. It provides legal advisory services to governments, inter alia, on environment and biodiversity.
FAOSTYLE->Terminology - openknowledge.fao.org
In 1951, moved its headquarters to Rome. The abbreviation FAO of the UN is tolerated for some media purposes but should generally be avoided. Other common mistakes to avoid are the use of Agricultural Organisation. Correct names for FAO strategies …
In December 2018, the United Nations General Assembly declared 2020 the International Year of Plant Health (hereinafter “IYPH”) and invited the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in collaboration with the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC), to facilitate the implementation of the International Year.
FAO-GIAHS Logo Block Graphic Guidelines
This document provides guidelines for the correct application of the FAO-GIAHS logo block to ensure consistency of the GIAHS identity across internal and external communications.
The driving objective of UN FAO is to achieve food security for all through the improvement in levels of productivity, the betterment of rural livelihoods, and the improvement of agricultural productivity.
The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has the honour to extend an invitation to attend the 11th Session of the Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (Working Group), which will be held at FAO headquarters in Rome from 18 to 20 April 2023.
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Letterhead - fao.org
The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has the honour to extend an invitation to attend the Twelfth Session of the Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (Working Group), which will be held at FAO headquarters in Rome from 10 to 12 December ...
FAO Design System
By leveraging Bootstrap Icons, we ensure that FAO's digital products have access to a rich set of visual elements that can effectively convey meaning, guide users, and enhance the overall aesthetic of our interfaces. Usage To use Bootstrap Icons in your FAO project, follow these steps:
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