Modernized Tactical FG-42 | Armory Blog
Dec 22, 2014 · The German FG-42 from WWII was a pretty bad ass weapon, something I’ve yet to shoot and probably never will. But I can live vicariously through YouTube videos of people shooting them. Here’s one in particular that’s especially bad ass, a modernized FG-42. The guys at InRange are calling it the MK42. Check it out in action below.
FG-42 Tactical !!!!!!!! Take a deep breath … | thefirearmblog.com
Jan 9, 2013 · A german firm called Tactics Group will be producing a “tacti-cool” version of the German WWII Fallschirmjägergewehr 42 (Paratrooper Rifle 42) aka. FG-42. It will feature all the accessories found on modern rifles.
InRange: Modernized FG-42 | thefirearmblog.com
Dec 11, 2014 · InRange has got something very interesting for their viewers this week: Two segments on the SMG Guns project to create a modernized FG-42. They also released a trailer on YouTube, embedded below: The SMG Guns MK42 – as they’re calling it – is a modernized and reduced-cost FG-42 for practical competition shooters and civilian users.
SSD's Modernized FG-42 at IWA | thefirearmblog.com
Mar 10, 2015 · SSD is manufacturing their new modernized FG-42s in two barrel lengths, and in three calibers: The original 8x57mm IS, 7.62×51 NATO, and – most strangely – 7.62x54R. The latter versions apparently use SVD magazines, and were reportedly ordered by Russian contacts, before exports to Russia were cut off due to sanctions:
Review: Smith Manufacturing FG42 Type I - American Rifleman
Apr 23, 2022 · Smith Manufacturing Group has created semi-automatic versions of Germany’s World War II era FG42, both Type I and Type II, select-fire machine rifles in the full-power 7.92x57 mm Mauser...
FG 42 - Wikipedia
The FG 42 (German: Fallschirmjägergewehr 42, "paratrooper rifle 42") is a selective-fire 7.92×57mm Mauser automatic rifle [4][5] produced in Nazi Germany during World War II. [7] . The weapon was developed specifically for the use of the Fallschirmjäger airborne infantry in 1942 and was used in very limited numbers until the end of the war.
Smith Mfg. Group FG42 II S/A Semi-Automatic Rifle with Case
Manufactured in Decatur, Texas, as a high quality modern semi-automatic version of the famous World War II era German Fallschirmjägergewehr 42 (FG 42) automatic paratrooper rifle, chambered for .308 Win. and utilizing modified M1A magazines.
A Jump Ahead - GUNS Magazine
The full power, 7.92x57mm select-fire FG42 was born of tactical failure. German Fallschirmjäger (paratroopers under the command of Hermann Göring and the Luftwaffe) dropped into the fight armed with pistols and submachine guns.
FG42: The Awesome 7.92X57MM Fallschirmjäger Machine Rifle (2
May 2, 2022 · American Tactical now offers customers 2 models of Road Agent shotguns with 18” or 26” barrels in 12 and 20 ga with dual hammers and patented de-cocker lever for safe transportation in the field. Their new triple barrel shotgun hits the market at $799.99 MSRP and is sure to please hunters.
German Paratrooper's Rifle F.G. 42, WWII Tactical and Technical …
The versatile German Ordnance Department has produced a new weapon in the F.G. 42 ( Fallschirmjaeger Gewehr 42 ), a semi-or-full automatic, gas operated, air-cooled paratrooper's rifle, caliber 7.92 mm (see accompanying illustrations).
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