Northern Region Forest Inventory and Analysis
Aug 21, 2024 · The Northern Research Station, Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) unit is responsible for creating and maintaining a comprehensive forest inventory for 24 States. FIA field crews collect data from approximately 7500 randomly selected research sites across the Northern Region every year.
Forest Inventory and Analysis - US Forest Service Research and …
Jan 29, 2025 · The Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program of the USDA Forest Service Research and Development Branch collects, processes, analyzes, and reports on data necessary for assessing the extent and condition of forest resources in the United States.
Forest Service FIA BIGMAP Tree Species Aboveground Biomass …
The Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) BIGMAP Tree Species Aboveground Forest Biomass represents estimates in tons per acre for total aboveground biomass as well as that of 327 individual tree species at a 30 meter pixel spatial resolution within the extent of …
Northern Research Station - US Forest Service
Land managers, city planners, and policymakers need sound science on all aspects of the natural world and its complex connections with people to achieve decisions resulting in a healthy and sustainable future for present and future generations of Americans.
USDA Forest Service FSGeodata Clearinghouse - TreeMap
Most of these are derived from tree-level data, either as part of the FIA data compilation process or using modifications of standard FIA queries on the published tables to generate plot-level instead of population-level data. In some cases, the variables are recorded directly by crews in the field. The attributes available for download are:
A future : current ratio below 1 indicates a loss (red), while a value above 1 indicates a gain (green). Forest Types from combinations of species.
FIA DataMart 2.0 : Home - US Forest Service
Oct 18, 2024 · "make and keep current a comprehensive inventory and analysis of the present and prospective conditions of and requirements for the renewable resources of the forest and rangelands of the US"
Nationwide Forest Inventory Field Guide | US Forest Service …
This document describes the standards, codes, methods, and definitions for Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) field data items. The objective is to describe CORE FIA field procedures that are consistent and uniform across all FIA units.
Climate Change Atlas - US Forest Service
IVs is a relative measure of abundance which is calculated from US Forest Service's Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) data for 37 states east of the 100th meridian. It consisted of over 100,000 plots and nearly 3 million tree records.
Range and Niche Maps for sweet birch Climate Change Atlas
Available Niche Space Predictor values plotted to climate, soil, and productivity. The niche space of Forest Inventory & Analysis’ (FIA) eastern US range as well as the Little's range of the species are mapped. You can compare the niche space with the corresponding importance value map.