Zhengzhou University President Scholarship
1. Visit the website for more information about the program and teaching language: http://international.zzu.edu.cn. 2. Prepare all application documents as required in the list of...
H.R.3304 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2014
Oct 22, 2013 · Prohibits FY2014 Army funds from being obligated or expended to procure additional aircraft under the Enhanced Medium Altitude Reconnaissance and Surveillance …
How to Apply - Zhengzhou University
All applications and supporting documents have to be submitted via the on-line application system by the appropriate closing date. To submit an on-line application, please visit our website:...
Henan Government Scholarship - Zhengzhou University
Henan Provincial Government Scholarship is a provincial scholarship established by the Government of Henan Province to support provincial universities to recruit outstanding international students...
Zhengzhou University - Wikipedia
Zhengzhou University (ZZU; 郑州大学) is a provincial public university in Zhengzhou, Henan, China. It is affiliated with the Province of Henan. The university is part of Project 211 and the Double First-Class Construction.
Zhengzhou University - Study in China : China University Admission
Zhengzhou University of Technology(ZUT), a national key university established in 1963, was under the direct leadership of the former Ministry of Chemical Industry. A new ZZU was born in July 2000 when the former ZZU, ZUT and Henan Medical University (HMU) unite into one.
郑州大学 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
郑州大学(英語: Zhengzhou University ,缩写: ZZU ),简称郑大,是一所位于中国 河南省 郑州市的综合性公立大学。1955年,中共中央鉴于原国立河南大学已不复存在,河南高等教育缺乏综合型大学的情况,决定将山东大学迁往郑州,组建河南大学。
Zhengzhou University President Scholarship, 2025-2026
Jan 21, 2025 · Application for the Zhengzhou University President Scholarship is now open. The scholarship has been established by Zhengzhou University to enhance international exchange & cooperation and encourage more excellent international students to study at the university.
Chinese Government Scholarship - Zhengzhou University
Please visit https://zzu.17gz.org and choose " Chinese Government Scholarship Independent Recruitment Program" to submit your scholarship and study application. You also can visit the website...
Zhengzhou University : Rankings, Fees & Courses Details | Top Universities
Learn more about studying at Zhengzhou University including how it performs in QS rankings, the cost of tuition and further course information.