Farastu - Forgotten Realms Wiki
Farastus were hateful creatures made angry and vengeful by their low position in demodand society. Despite knowing their purpose from the beginning of their existence, their lack of power left them incapable of fulfilling it, leaving them full of resentment. [5]
Farastu Demodand - 5etools
The farastu has a 40 percent chance of summoning 1 farastu demodand. A summoned demodand appears in an unoccupied space within 60 feet of the farastu, acts as an ally of the farastu, and can't summon other demodands.
Demodand - Search - D&D Beyond
Farastu Demodand Farastus, also known as tarry demodands, are the least of the demodands. These violent Fiends ooze thick, sticky tar that sticks to anything it touches. Arrogant and cruel, farastus. delight in tormenting those weaker than themselves.
Farastu (CR 11) - Realms Helps
Summon Demodand (Sp): Once per day, a farastu can attempt to summon 1d4 farastus with a 30% chance of success. Summoned creatures remain for 1 hour, then return to their home on Carceri. A demodand that is itself summoned cannot use its own summon demodand ability for 1 …
Demodand - Forgotten Realms Wiki
Instead, the death of one demodand caused a corpse on Carceri to reshape itself into the form of a farastu. Farastus were simply replaced by another of their number, but when a kelubar or shator perished, the most convenient member of the caste below them …
Farastu Demodand | Non-alien Creatures Wiki | Fandom
Farastu are the commoners of Tarterus, and are tar-excreting Demodands of chaotic neutral alignment. The farastu, or tarry demodand, is tall and slender. The monster is fast, but compared to others of its ilk it is the least powerful. It attacks with long-nailed hands and huge jaws.
Shator Demodand - 5etools
The shator has a 50 percent chance of summoning its choice of 1d4 farastu demodands, 1d2 kelubar demodands, or 1 shator demodand. A summoned demodand appears in an unoccupied space within 60 feet of the shator, acts as an ally of the …
Monsters: Demodands (or Gehreleth) in 5e - Giant in the …
Nov 15, 2015 · Demodand summoning: As an alternate rule, demodands can have an ability identical to the demon summing variant, summoning demodands instead: A farastu has a 30% chance of summoning another farastu. A kelubar has a 50% chance of summoning a farastu.
Demodand - Great Library of Greyhawk
New demodands are created from corpses; whenever one of their race dies, a new farastu rises from a corpse somewhere on Carceri's orbs. New kelubars and shators are promoted from lower-ranking demodands as needed.
Farastu (5e) - Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Farastu + Experience Points: 2,900 + Features: Adhesive Slime +, Devil's Sight +, Keen Smell +, Magic Resistance +, Magic Weapons +, Reckless +, Multiattack +, Claws +, Bite + and Adhesive Hide + Hit Points: 71 + Name: Farastu + Publication: Minsc and Boo's Journal of Villainy + Size: Medium + SortText: Demodand Farastu + Subtype: Demodand ...
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