Nick from Petey's Squad | Nick Lim | Substack
Dec 25, 2023 · Click to read Nick from Petey's Squad, by Nick Lim, a Substack publication. Launched a year ago. Almost 30 years as a non-denominational Christian, I find my way to Rome.
Our Father, who art in heaven. - by Nick Lim
Sep 29, 2023 · Our Father, who art in heaven. What's the next line ah? Nick Lim. Sep 29, 2023. 1. Share this post. Our Father, who art in heaven. roadtorome.substack.com. Copy link. Facebook. Email. Note. Other. Share. One of the biggest things I …
Catholic Center Holy Hour a meaningful part of priest’s journey
After graduating with a nursing degree, Father Lim spent three years discerning with the Brotherhood of Hope when he realized that God was calling him elsewhere. He then returned home and worked as a cardiac nurse in Overlook Medical Center, Summit.
SPIRITUAL GROWTH | 4 February // Ps. Nick Lim - YouTube
Feb 4, 2024 · Official YouTube channel of First Assembly of God KL English Ministry DATE: 4 February 2023 SPEAKER: Ps. Nick Lim Drop us a "hello" and tell us where you are from in the live chatroom.
A Journey of Love, Hiddenness, and Divine Calling Leads to …
Fr. Lim's journey to the priesthood has been marked by profound love, hiddenness, and a deep sense of calling. His unwavering devotion to God and the central role that God plays in his life were evident throughout his vocational journey.
New priest challenged to lead others to Christ
At the conclusion of Mass, Father Lim bestowed his first priestly blessings upon Bishop Checchio, extended family and friends. The new priest has been assigned to serve the community of St. Joseph Parish, Hillsborough, for two months before resuming his studies in Rome.
Father spreads joy of own priesthood to others hearing call to ...
Nov 6, 2020 · JACKSON – In 2019, Father Nick Adam and Seminarian Tristan Stovall speak to St. Richard School sixth graders about the joy found in the journey to priesthood after playing a heated game of dodgeball during Vocation Awareness Week.
My Christmas Contemplation - by Nick Lim
Dec 25, 2023 · Nick from Petey's Squad . Subscribe. Sign in. Share this post. My Christmas Contemplation. roadtorome.substack.com. Copy link. Facebook. Email. Note. Other. My Christmas Contemplation A little bit of joy, a little bit of solemnity and a …
Father Lim’s first Mass a time of joy, gratitude
Father Lim has been assigned as parochial vicar in St. Joseph Parish, Hillsborough, from July 6 through September 6, prior to returning to Rome for further studies. There he will complete his Licentiate in Moral Theology with a focus on medical ethics at …
'My father's son': Some priest alumni now have a rare bond with …
The father of Fr. Nick Vance brought up the sacred oil at the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis’ 2024 Chrism Mass. The same oil was used to anoint his son and 12 other new priests of the archdiocese during ordination on May 24 at the Cathedral of St. Paul.