Fei Li Ke Jiao Nang for acute bronchitis emphysema with excessive ...
It is used for those who cough and wheeze excessive phlegm, short of breath, acute and chronic bronchitis, and emphysema with the above symptoms. Traditional Chinese Medicine Functions. Relieveing cough and asthma,clearing away heat and toxic materials,eliminating phlegm. INGREDIENTS.
45 capsules*5 boxes. Feilike Jiaonang for acute bronchitis …
Feilike Jiaonang for acute bronchitis emphysema with excessive phlegm. Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is used for those who cough and wheeze excessive phlegm, short of breath, acute and chronic bronchitis, and emphysema with the above symptoms. Relieveing cough and asthma,clearing away heat and toxic materials,eliminating phlegm.
Use of Chinese herbal medicines for acute cough in China: An …
Sep 1, 2023 · The overall ranking, combining ranking of cough relief with ranking of reducing antibiotic use, showed that the top five CHMs were individualised Chinese herbal formula, Fei Ning granule, Xiao Qing Long (granule / mixture), Shi …
Chinese medicinal herbs for acute bronchitis - PMC
Gao QF, Chen J, Long Y. Treatment of acute bronchitis by Fei Li Ke in children. Chinese Pediatrate Integrate Traditional Western Medicine 2011;3(1):65‐6. [ Google Scholar ]
Proprietary Chinese Medicine to Stop Coughing - Shen-Nong
In comparison with western cough medicines, Chinese OTC products provide a gentle way of relieving a cough and are less likely to have side effects. Since they are herbal mixtures, the multiple components can get to the root of the problem in repairing damage and resuming correct function comprehensively.
【药品说明书】肺力咳胶囊 - 百度经验
Mar 5, 2013 · 【药品名称】 通用名称:肺力咳胶囊 汉语拼音:fei li ke jiao nang【作用类别】本品为内科咳嗽类非处方药药品。 【成 份】梧桐根、红花龙胆、红管药、前胡、百部、黄芩。 【性 状】本品为胶囊剂,内容物为黄褐色至棕色的粉末及颗粒;味苦。 【功能主治】苗医:中医:止咳平喘,清热解毒,降气祛痰。 用于咳喘痰多,以及慢性支气管炎见上述症状者。 【规 格】每粒装0.3克【用法用量】口服,一次3~4粒,一日3次。 【不良反应】【禁 忌】孕妇禁用。 【注意 …
肺力咳合剂说明书 - 搜狐
Jul 10, 2018 · 汉语拼音:Fei li ke He ji 【成 份】 黄芩、前胡、百部、红花龙胆、梧桐根、白花蛇舌草、红管药。 【性 状】本品为淡棕色至棕色的液体;气香,味甜、微苦。 【功能主治】清热解毒,镇咳祛痰。用于痰热犯肺所引起的咳嗽痰黄,支气管哮喘,气管炎见上述证候 ...
肺力咳 (FeiLiKe) - 在研适应症:慢性支气管炎_专利_临床_研发
May 1, 2023 · 肺力咳,目前全球最高研发状态为批准上市,治疗领域: 感染,呼吸系统疾病,在研适应症: 慢性支气管炎。
肺力咳胶囊_肺力咳胶囊说明书_肺力咳胶囊生产厂家_肺力咳胶囊功 …
汉语拼音:fei li ke jiao nang 【成份】梧桐根、红花龙胆、红管药、前胡、百部、黄芩。 【性状】本品为胶囊剂,内容物为黄褐色至棕色的粉末及颗粒;味苦。 【功能主治】苗医: 中医:止咳平喘,清热解毒,降气祛痰。
如何评价斯坦福人工智能教授李飞飞? - 知乎
李飞飞基于这一点,构造了大规模计算机图像网络,也就是大名鼎鼎,让她一战成名的ImageNet。 有了ImageNet,才让人工智能的学习成为可能。 当然,这三匹马早晚会被更有力量、有耐力的马替代。 李飞飞曾做过一个TED,有兴趣的朋友可以找来看看。 今天看来构造一个大规模的数据集并没有什么难度,因为它确实太重要了。 但是,她开始在AlexNet出现5年前的2007年。 所以,她坦言:我在这段孤独的旅程上孤独地前行了很久。 就像在回应被广为流传的【从洗衣女工到 …
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