Fenite - Wikipedia
Fenite is a metasomatic alteration associated particularly with carbonatite intrusions and created, very rarely, by advanced carbon dioxide alteration (carbonation) of felsic and mafic rocks. It is characterised by the presence of alkali feldspar, sodic pyroxene and sodic amphibole.
Fenite: Mineral information, data and localities. - mindat.org
A high-temperature metasomatic rock characterised by the presence of alkali feldspar, sodic amphibole and sodic pyroxene. Nepheline, calcite and biotite / phlogopite may also be present and typical accessories are titanite and apatite.
Fenites associated with carbonatite complexes: A review
Feb 1, 2018 · Cooling and crystallizing carbonatitic and alkaline melts expel multiple pulses of alkali-rich aqueous fluids which metasomatize the surrounding country rocks, forming fenites during a process called fenitization.
Fenite - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Fenite is a metasomatic family of rocks formed at high temperatures, characterized by specific minerals, and associated with localized metasomatic processes such as autometasomatism and contact metasomatism.
Fenite - SpringerLink
The term fenite was proposed by Brögger (1921) for a group of metasomatically altered rocks in and adjacent to the alkaline complex at Fen, Norway.
Microanalytical investigation of K-rich fenites from the Catalão II ...
Mar 1, 2024 · Fenites are alkali metasomatic rocks composed of highly variable assemblages including K-feldspar, albite, alkali pyroxene, phologopite, and alkali amphibole.
Definition of fenite - mindat.org
A quartzo-feldspathic rock that has been altered by alkali metasomatism at the contact of a carbonatite intrusive complex. The process is called fenitization. Fenite is mostly alkalic feldspar, with some aegirine, subordinate alkali-hornblende, and accessory sphene and apatite.
Fenite - Oxford Reference
"fenite" published on by null. A rock that was first described from the Fen carbonatite intrusion in southern Norway. It is sodium-rich, metasomatic, orthoclase-nepheline-arfvedsonite- aegirine-bearing, and developed around carbonatite intrusions.
fenite | Encyclopedia.com
fenite A rock that was first described from the Fen carbonatite intrusion in southern Norway. It is sodium-rich, metasomatic, orthoclase—nepheline—arfvedsonite—aegirine-bearing, and developed around carbonatite intrusions.
Metasomatically altered aureoles of country rock, termed fenite, are typically found temporally and spatially associated with intrusions of these alkaline magmas. Multiple pulses of alkali-rich aqueous fluids are expelled from the cooling melts, altering the surrounding country rock [3].