Fiat Palio turning over but won't start | FIAT Palio / Siena
Oct 18, 2016 · Hi everyone, I've been a big fan of this forum and learnt a lot along the way, so thanks for all your contribution to the forum and in advance to anyone who could help here :) My first post so I'll intro myself quickly, driving a Fiat Palio 1.6 (we have a love-hate relationship - …
Rough Idle on Palio 1.6 16v Weekender | FIAT Palio / Siena
Apr 3, 2013 · The 1,6-16V Fiat engine is very common, and is/was used in many Fiat and Lancia models during the last 15 or more years. Bad idling, or bad timing on this engine is NOT related to the Palio/Siena range. Maybe try to post timing questions in the …
Palio 1.6 16V HL not starting in cold weather | FIAT Palio / Siena
Jun 19, 2007 · Hi there I have a South African made Fiat Palio 1.6 16V HL which struggles to start on cold mornings. I have replaced the fuel pump relay and checked all the connections leading to the fuel pump. The fuel pump also makes a "softer" noise than what it would if the weather was warmer or summer...
Fiat Palio 1.6i 16v Twin Cam timing marks revealed | FIAT Palio / …
Apr 3, 2013 · Good day Does anyone have the Timing marks for me on my Fiat Palio 1.6 2002 Car? I would really appreciate if i can get it somewhere..
FIAT Palio / Siena - The FIAT Forum
Jul 24, 2009 · The internet's #1 online community and oracle for talk on all things FIAT Palio / Siena. Ask questions in the forum, fix common issues using our helpful guides, upload your photos to the gallery or buy and sell with the online classifieds.
Where is the Crank/Cam/Knock sensors located? | FIAT Palio / Siena
Aug 15, 2016 · Good day, Recently my 2001 Fiat Palio Weekend 1.6 16v Cut out while I was driving home. No noise, no engine sounds just cut out, started it again while freewheeling and just barely made it home because it kept cutting of at random intervals. Next morning car didn't want to start and all so i...
Palio 1.6 GTX OBD Location | FIAT Palio / Siena
Feb 4, 2010 · Hi guys, can any one tell me where the OBD port is located in Palio 1.6 GTX. my car is an Indian model... purchased in 2002. is it OBD compliant? there is...
Obdii socket location on Palio - The FIAT Forum
Jul 6, 2013 · First I searched through the forum and couldn't find an answer. I have been trying to locate the Obdii socket on my wife's 2002 Fiat Palio 1.6 16V. I tried all the locations suggested by many but I can't find it in my car. It's right hand drive in South Africa. I …
Palio 1.6 overheating | FIAT Palio / Siena | The FIAT Forum
May 3, 2009 · Hi people, i have a palio 1.6 s10 2002 model and the car is in perfect condition but the problem that i face is that the car is overheating very quickly... the temperature gauge shows more than half when the car is used only for 200 meters after a cold start.... If …
Fiat Plaio 1.6 16v WILL NOT IDLE | FIAT Palio / Siena
Feb 22, 2017 · ronin i had the same issue with my palio 1.2 petrol, i replaced the idle valve and it resolved ,i had to buy orignal magenetti marelli one which was expensive ,i am still trying to think what else could be the culprit here ,