Yellow Watchman Goby and Firefish - Nano-Reef Community
Aug 14, 2006 · I just bought a firefish and I allready had the watchmen and the same thing happend to me, the goby goes towards the firefish with his mouth wide open, thankgod I didnt buy they Helfrichi, or however you spell it, so just to let you know im going through the same things, Ill keep my eye out on this thread...
Firefish Goby Help - Fish Forum - Nano-Reef Community
Jan 11, 2009 · I recently put a firefish goby and a false percula clown in my tank the other day (first 2 fish). The clown is EXTREMELY active but I think he has scared the goby into hiding under (100 lb) of rock. The clown is not attacking him just swimming like crazy all over the place. I'm trying to think of ways to get him out of hiding so that he can eat.
Another firefish goby dies overnight ... Why is this happening?
Aug 11, 2005 · The Firefish Goby prefers a tank of at least 20 gallons with plenty of places to hide & swim. The Firefish Goby is a planktivore and likes to eat mysid shrimp, amphipods, copepods and seafood based foods. The Firefish Goby is a low maintenance fish and will co exist with other reef type fish. This is a hardy fish. Reef-safe.
Recommended tank mates for fire fish - Nano-Reef Community
Jul 13, 2018 · I’ve got a purple and red firefish and their tankmates are a tailspot blenny, a clown, and a cherub angelfish. I suspect the angelfish likes nipping the red firefish’s tail, but it doesn’t affect the firefish’s behavior in any way. The tailspot and the angelfish get into a spat once in awhile, but everyone’s doing good in the 20gal.
Fire Fish and Yellow Watchman Goby - Nano-Reef Community
Jan 7, 2010 · Hello, I just bought a Fire Fish for my 15g nano and was wondering if I could also add a Yellow Watchman Goby to the tank without any problems.
New Firefish Goby - Fish Forum - Nano-Reef Community
Jul 7, 2008 · When I moved all the fish to a new tank 2 days after I got the firefish, the clown is confused about his territory now and completely leaves the firefish alone now. his fins are growing back and they are all out and happily swimming about. I just got a new firefish tonight (1 week since the tank swap) .. but this one is a purple firefish.
Firefish and Goby Compatability - Nano-Reef Community
Nov 5, 2017 · I have a yellow watchman goby and an orange firefish in my 14 gallon. I actually had a different experience and maybe it is a one off. I am not sure also if my pistol shrimp played a part but my firefish decided to hide in my watchman goby’s borrow which in turn the goby became aggressive towards the fire and eventually killed it.
Firefish Goby - Beginners Discussion - Nano-Reef Community
Mar 19, 2008 · I have to disagree with firefish being aggressive, my cousin has regular and purple firefish in the same tank. They were added at separate times too, and its only a 75g tank. It looks kind of cool, firefish are a fish that like to be in numbers. When you see them in the wild you dont see them in pairs you see them in groups.
Purple Firefish and Yellow Watchman - Will they get along?
Nov 7, 2008 · We have a yellow watchman goby and two clowns in our 30 gallon tank. I'm wondering if it is possible to add a purple firefish to this mix without causing problems with the yellow watchman given the fact that they are both species of gobies. Our little yellow guy is …
Clown goby and firefish together? - Beginners Discussion - Nano …
Sep 22, 2009 · The firefish gets shy when anything is introduced to the tank and she sort of reminds me of a puppy twirling around and then darting into her little hole. The yellow clown goby is great bc he is always out and visible even though he …