Flamen - Wikipedia
A flamen (plural flamines) [1] was a priest of the ancient Roman religion who was assigned to one of fifteen deities with official cults during the Roman Republic. The most important of these were the three flamines maiores (or "major priests"), who served the important Roman gods Jupiter, Mars, and Quirinus.
Flamen | Roman Priesthood, Rituals & Sacrifices | Britannica
Flamen, in ancient Rome, a priest devoted exclusively to the worship of one deity; the name derives from a root meaning “he who burns offerings.” Of the 15 flamines, the most important were Dialis, Martialis, and Quirinalis, who served Jupiter, Mars, and Quirinus, respectively.
Flamen Quirinalis - Wikipedia
In ancient Roman religion, the Flamen Quirinalis was the flamen or high priest of the god Quirinus. He was one of the three flamines maiores, third in order of importance after the Flamen Dialis and the Flamen Martialis.
Flamen Dialis - Wikipedia
The Flamen Dialis was officially ranked second in the ranking of the highest Roman priests (ordo sacerdotum), behind only the rex sacrorum and before other flamines maiores (Flamen Martialis, Flamen Quirinalis) and pontifex maximus.
FLAMEN Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of FLAMEN is a priest especially in ancient Rome.
Flamen - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In Ancient Roman religion, a flamen was one of fifteen priests assigned to major deities with state recognized cults during the Roman Republic. The most important of these were the three flamines maiores ("major priests"). They served as chief priests of the deities apart of the Archaic Triad.
Flamen - Encyclopedia.com
May 21, 2018 · The flamines — etymologically, the "dispensers of the sacred" (Isidorus, Etymologiae 7.12.17) — were the sacerdotes of a particular deity (Cicero, De legibus 2.20). They stood in contrast to the pontiffs, who were learned men and men of law, and to other colleges of priests that acted in the name of the community.
Flamen (Nova Roma) - NovaRoma
The flamines are thirteen high priests who serve specific deities - though they are allowed to worship other deities as well. The sources tell us that a flamen was a sacerdos proper, and who was dedicated to the service of a particular deity.
Roman Sacred Rituals: An Examination of the Flamen
Nov 16, 2024 · The Flamen played a pivotal role in Roman sacred rituals, serving as the primary link between the divine and the community. Their responsibilities, attire, and the rituals they conducted highlight their importance in maintaining the religious and civic life of Rome.
The Role of the Flamen in Roman Religious Ceremonies
Nov 9, 2024 · A Flamen is a priest in ancient Rome, primarily tasked with performing rituals and sacrifices to their designated god. Their role was significant as they not only facilitated communication between the divine and the mortal realms but also upheld the religious traditions that were central to Roman identity.