Fleet, The Archer of Justice, is Coming to Rivals 2!
May 4, 2023 · Fleet, the first completely new fighter to join the Rivals 2 cast is here! Hailing from her beloved Julesvale, Fleet is determined to take her goodwill and powerful new Air Gem on the road, spreading swift justice and unrelenting joy wherever she goes.
RoA2/Fleet - dragdown.wiki
Mar 19, 2025 · Fleet is a midrange fighter, using arrows and aerial mobility to bait committal options out of the opponent and punish them with an excellent offstage presence. Good Projectiles: Her arrows are really strong, and she can control zones well with her tornado. Offstage Queen: Her slow fall makes her a menace for edgeguards and recovering.
Fleet | Rivals of Aether Wiki | Fandom
Fleet will make her Rivals of Aether fighter debut in "Rivals 2", which is slated for a late 2024 release.
Fleet Frame Data & Hitbox Visualizer - Master Your Gameplay
Fleet | Hitbox viewer and Frame by frame tool. Rivals 2 quick reference guide.
RoA2/Fleet/Techniques - Dragdown
Oct 22, 2024 · Fleet Tech Preface. Going through here, you'll notice there is a color code to help anyone look over tech and understand how useful or how prevalent they will be used during matches. Essential - Any tech with Essential are important to …
Rivals 2 Fleet Character Reveal Trailer - YouTube
Fleet's on to her next adventure as she officially joins the cast of Rivals 2! Voiced by Faye Mata, the Archer of Justice snipes, snacks, and sails through the air in battle. Rivals 2 is...
Rivals 2 confirms Fleet character alongside new Steam page
Apr 3, 2023 · Aether Studios has shared a new character trailer for Rivals 2 alongside launching a Steam page for the platformer brawling game.
How Fleet Works in Rivals 2 : r/RivalsOfAether - Reddit
Feb 11, 2024 · Discuss the smash-inspired 2d brawler game produced by Dan Fornace and his team.
Fleet Qs :: Rivals of Aether II General Discussions - Steam …
Oct 21, 2024 · 1. What do the empowered arrows do and which moves do they work with? Ok, so the official guide says they leave bombs on the opponents. I guess it's a delayed explosion only on hit but I'd still welcome any replies that are more detailed than that. 2. How do I get more than 3 arrows and how do I replenish more than 1? Thx!
*UPDATED* Here's a tier list for how hard each character is to learn ...
Oct 24, 2024 · Fleet- Zoners tend to be a bit harder to learn than most characters. Her arrow gimmick takes time to get use to. Wrastor- He's a fairly fast character, so he's a hard to control. His gimmick of only being able to do smash attacks in the air takes some time getting use to.