12~yr photos on Flickr
My 12 yr. old standard poodle, Lisette, pausing with me at a park in Miami to contemplate the last rays of light. Love all the textures here. Working on silhouettes-- almost there.
12yr photos on Flickr
Parce 12 Year Old Straight Colombian Rum has an attractive aroma of creme brulee, toffee, dried tropical fruits and baking spices. The palate, which is medium-bodied and semi-sweet, leads to a long, meandering finish complete with notes of mocha, toasted nuts and pipe tobacco.
12_Year photos on Flickr
Flickr photos, groups, and tags related to the "12_Year" Flickr tag.
12 years old - Flickr
Explore this photo album by Garry's lens.... on Flickr!
- Views: 3
The birthday girl .... 12 years old - Flickr
Aug 11, 2006 · "Enough pictures already, bring on the loot!"
- Views: 8.4K
Childhood nudity - Wikipedia
The situations ranged from a three-year-old being naked at a large gathering, to the use of a backyard swim pool becoming an issue when the children of disapproving neighbors participated.
year 12 Leavers events and year 12 leavers portraits - Flickr
Explore this photo album by Lindisfarne College on Flickr!
- Views: 348
Life in year '12 - Flickr
Explore this photo album by Aleksandar Tanchevski on Flickr!
- Views: 394
Teen Life - Flickr
Connecting people through photography. This group is just about bein a normal teen living teen life. Post pics of yourself or your favorite pics or whatever you want to. This group is NOT strict in any way!
13-18 Year Old Teen Photographers - Flickr
Connecting people through photography. this is a group i decided to create to host photo contests, which will start around august 15th, or earlier. This is where i'll allow you to post some of your best work, and you can view other teens' work as well. We're just here to …