How do I format XML in Notepad++? - Stack Overflow
Apr 6, 2019 · For best results, you should use both TextFX XML tidy and XML tools pretty print. Here's how and why: 1.TextFX -> TextFX HTML Tidy -> Tidy: reindent XML TextFX has the benefit of wrapping long lines, which XML Tools does not do, but it doesn't indent those new lines correctly. 2. XML Tools -> Pretty print (Text indent)
sql server - How to format XML using T-SQL - Stack Overflow
Dec 7, 2012 · I've got a table called StoreFolder that contains an XML field called FolderXml. Each row contains an XML value like the following: <Folder FolderName="test" StoreName="TestStore" /> I need to get the Folders in the following XML format:
What is the correct format to use for Date/Time in an XML file
If you are manually assembling the XML string use var.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.fffffffZ")); That will output the official XML Date Time format. But you don't have to worry about format if you use the built-in serialization methods.
format - XML autoformat in Visual Studio Code - Stack Overflow
Oct 21, 2017 · The XML extension, from Red Hat, supports auto-indentation on enter, among many useful other features (like validation, code completion, autoclose tag...): Share Improve this answer
how to install sublime text indent xml in sublime 3
indent xml is already added in sublime text 3. no need to add. select all xml code, press (Ctrl+Shift+P), type indent xml and hit enter – Shrirang Commented Mar 18, 2020 at 9:54
Format XML string to print friendly XML string - Stack Overflow
Jul 14, 2009 · The following class definition gives a simple method to convert an input XML string into formatted output XML with the xml declaration as UTF-8. It supports all the configuration options that the XmlWriterSettings class offers.
xml - how to format date and time? - Stack Overflow
May 2, 2012 · The purpose of XML is to have an extensible exchange format for data. To be sure someone else understands the meaning of a given date, following date format (described in ISO 8601) will be used: date format: YYYY-MM-DD; date and time format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss; It's a common practice to use the ISO date format in XML.
sql - How to get formatted XML out of Oracle - Stack Overflow
Mar 20, 2014 · There is a trick I've found some years ago. If you use the XMLTYPE and apply some XSL template to this XMLTYPE using Oracle transform function, there is an unexpected behaviour: XML becomes formatted.
How to format XML in SQL Server - Stack Overflow
Feb 26, 2009 · There is no "make this pretty" function in SQL Server. You can do it in .NET, however, so one option is setting up a CLR function that makes the output of XML pretty. As this is NText, you will have to exception handle any string that is not XML, or you will have a blow up.
Como convertir fecha desde archivo XML - Stack Overflow en …
May 13, 2019 · Estoy obteniendo una fecha desde un archivo XML la cual se encuentra de la siguiente manera en el archivo 2019-05-13T16:02:16. Después de obtener esta fecha en una variable de PHP la guardo en una tabla en SQL, para darle un formato correcto a la fecha y que solo se almacene la fecha así sin hora, estoy haciendo lo siguiente: