What Route Do the Duttons Take in 1883, Explained - The …
Feb 20, 2022 · The Duttons set out from Fort Worth and set up their first camp with Shea’s caravan on the banks of Trinity River In Texas. Over the next few episodes, the group slowly moves North along the river basin across Texas.
What Route Did the Duttons Travel in 1883? Including Map
May 30, 2023 · The Duttons Route in 1883: From Tennessee to Texas to Montana. Originally, James, Margaret, Elsa, and John were from Tennessee. However, they experienced a life of poverty which led them to flee their home in Tennessee for a fresh start. The Dutton family then traveled to Fort Worth, Texas, to begin their journey to a new life.
In 1883, What Route Had Been Taken by Duttons? - SpikyTV
Feb 20, 2022 · The Duttons’ Route in 1883 on a Map. James Dillard Dutton lands in Fort Worth, Texas in the first episode of ‘1883.’ Later, his family meets him in town, where they have their first terrifying event, which will be the first of many in the days ahead.
Why would James Dutton leave from Fort Worth if he was leaving …
Jan 3, 2022 · Being from Oregon and having lived in Nebraska and Texas, and studied the Oregon trail, my befuddled by why this 1883 wagon train is headed to Oregon out of Ft Worth. First, look at the timeline. By 1883, Oregon was a settled state and routes to the area had been established since 1870.
I don't understand the geography of 1883's N. Texas. Someone ... - Reddit
Jan 3, 2022 · It's 99 miles to Denison from the Fort Worth Stockyards district (Where they were when they were doing the cattle trading). It's 87-90 miles to the Red River if you go due north out of Fort Worth.
Why Fort Worth? : r/1883Series - Reddit
Feb 23, 2022 · Why did the Duttons pick Fort Worth to start their journey and not St. Joseph, MO or one of the established Kansas towns on the Oregon Trail? Fort Worth was a bustling town during the 1880s and we have a saying here in Fort Worth of …
Where was 1883 filmed? Guide to ALL the Filming Locations of …
Dallas local news station, WFAA, reported that the area around W Exchange Avenue and North Houston street in Fort Worth was transformed into a massive Old West town set for the series, the Hell's Half Acre.
1883 - Fort Worth
Taylor Sheridan’s newest TV show 1883 follows the Dutton family as they embark on a journey through the Great Plains toward the last bastion of untamed America, offering audiences a stark retelling of western expansion and a study of one family fleeing poverty to seek a better future in America’s promised land, Montana.
Is 1883 Based on a True Story? - Horsey Hooves
May 30, 2023 · Also, see our guide on the route the Dutton family took in 1883, from Fort Worth, Texas, to Montana. It also includes a handy map! Some 1883 Characters Are Based on Real People. Although the storylines of the show are fictional, a few characters of 1883 are based on real historical figures.
1883: Why The Duttons Have No Clear Route Or Plan - Screen Rant
Jan 25, 2022 · 1883 's Dutton family got out of Tennessee in order to seek out greener pastures in a land which they know to be highly dangerous – despite this, they seem to have no clear route or plan in mind.