Foxtail in grass hay...what do you do? | Hay & Forage Forum
Sep 5, 2020 · This time of the year we have a hayable second growth of grass for hay, but it has a large amount of foxtail and purple top summer grass in the mix. I have rarely made hay form this mixture but wonder what others think about mixed foxtail hay. Does it have feed value? Does it pose a danger to...
Foxtail - When Is It a Problem???? - Hay & Forage Forum
Jan 6, 2017 · Sold some hay to a customer today, they were replacing a second cutting they got from someone else - that was full of foxtail. One of their horses had some mouth damage and a vet was called in to treat the horse. I don't recall seeing much, if any foxtail when we made our first and only cut of...
Foxtail | Hay & Forage Forum
Feb 15, 2025 · I have foxtail in the hay field clover and brome. Is there something to get rid foxtail and not hurt rest of field
Is it safe to feed cattle Foxtail? - Hay & Forage Forum
Jun 24, 2009 · Most summer annual foxtails can be excellent quality feed if harvested at very early heading or before. In my experience cattle will readily graze it as long as the heads are very green, but as soon as the head color changes from geen, even slightly, they will refuse it. If it is the type of foxtail that sticks to your socks or a dogs ear, it should be cut in the boot stage or earlier. If you ...
Dealing with foxtail (again) - Hay & Forage Forum
Jun 27, 2014 · For those of you who get foxtail coming in after 1st cutting, how do you deal with it? If you cut the field with. Bush hog when its young, can you still expect a good crop for second cutting, or will the cutting with a mower in between hay …
Foxtail in hay - The Horse Forum
Jan 28, 2016 · We recently had an issue with foxtail in the hay. This is what I have learned and please be aware: foxtail is fine in hay IF it has not bloomed/seeded yet. After it has bloomed (has tiny fibers at the end of the stalk), it becomes a problem for …
When to cut Millet for hay - Hay & Forage Forum
Dec 26, 2015 · I have not planted Shirohie but have planted some of the "sorghum-sudan" millets as well as German Foxtail Millet and used both for hay. As far as when to cut, I think a lot of it depends on what you want to use the hay for. If you looking for the highest crude protein then you would cut in the pre to early boot stage.
Beef cattle and foxtail - Hay & Forage Forum
Sep 15, 2016 · Ok for cattle (alright, COWS) to eat a moderate amount of smaller type foxtail? Not milking variety, just 20 month and to the butcher shop variety?
Foxtails in hay - The Horse Forum
Jun 7, 2012 · The horse didnt eat the foxtail, but the seeds were dislodged in the rest of the hay. The whole under side of her face is gone from bacteria traveling with the barbs.
Facet L for Foxtail update - Hay & Forage Forum
Aug 7, 2024 · Update in Facet L for Yellow Foxtail in grass hay (OG-Tim-fescue mix). Had a contract sprayer do the field with a 60 ft boom—28oz /acre ++ recommended seed oil additive. He sprayed on 7-2-24 in a period of near drought, it was so dry the sprayer did not want to do it. But the UK weed man said...