Walder Frey | Wiki of Westeros | Fandom
Lord Walder Frey was the Lord of the Crossing, Lord of Riverrun, Lord Paramount of the Trident, and the head of House Frey, the Great House of the Riverlands, and a former vassal house to House Tully, the previous Great House which he betrayed.
Walder Frey - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
Walder Frey is the Lord of the Crossing and head of House Frey. Though almost ninety years old and infirm, he still maintains an active hand in the running of his house at the Twins. Walder has become famous for siring many children and surviving many wives. He is to marry his eighth wife and has over a hundred descendants, base and trueborn.
House Frey | Wiki of Westeros | Fandom
House Frey [1] of the Twins is a noble house from the Riverlands and a vassal of House Tully. They were briefly a Great House of Westeros after betraying their liege lords at the Red Wedding, but they were eventually subdued once more.
House Frey - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
House Frey dates back six centuries, making it one of the younger noble houses in Westeros. The first Lord Frey was awarded lands and a noble status, and began the construction of a great bridge spanning the Green Fork of the Trident. Construction was finished under the rule of his grandson, who added wooden keeps on both sides of the river.
David Bradley (English actor) - Wikipedia
David John Bradley (born 17 April 1942) [1] is an English actor. He is best known for his screen roles including Argus Filch in the Harry Potter film series, Walder Frey in the HBO fantasy series Game of Thrones, and Abraham Setrakian in the FX horror series The Strain.
Roslin Tully | Wiki of Westeros | Fandom
Roslin is the daughter of Walder Frey, Lord of the Crossing. Unlike the majority of Lord Walder's brood, Roslin is quite beautiful. Robb undertook to marry one of Lord Frey's daughters (not specifically Roslin) as a part of the pact between him and the Freys, but he breached the agreement by marrying Talisa Maegyr instead.
Stevron Frey - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
Stevron Frey is a knight from House Frey, Lord Walder Frey's firstborn son, and heir to the Twins. His mother was Lady Perra Royce. Stevron has had several children through his marriages to Corenna Swann, Jeyne Lydden, and Marsella Waynwood.
Walder Frey in A Game of Thrones Character Analysis - Shmoop
Walder Frey believes that the person who dies with the most sons wins. That's the only possible reason we can think of for why he has so many children, both from his eight wives and all the mistresses he's had over the years.
Walder Frey: The Evil Weasel Lord - Book Analysis
In HBO’s Game of Thrones, Walder Frey’s character got portrayed by David Bradley. He appeared in seasons 1, 3, 6, and 7 and starred in 6 episodes. After Walder’s proposal gets nullified by Robb’s wedding to Talisa, he conspires and kills the king and his mother.
Characters in Game of Thrones - House Frey - TV Tropes
The TV show did mercifully condense this down to about six major recurring characters: Walder Frey, his young wife Joyeuse, his sons Lame Lothar Frey and Black Walder Rivers, his daughter Roslin Tully, and his granddaughter Fat Walda Bolton.
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